Episode Spotlight: Birds of Prey

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. N-IX Well-Known Player

    also do double weeks on the inciens contained, its will greatly help the players who are starting out, I am CR 310 so I really say its to see a little more people on the inciens contained ....
  2. The Blurr Level 30

    Pretty unfair missing out on the coins and the discount towards players that are with lower CR, there's no way they can get at atleast 287 in 1-2 days time.

    just my 2cents
  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    cool. I got a couple of toons around there. this oughtta come in handy. cheers, guys.
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  4. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It'll be a huge payday if Source Marks when Lexcoins are transferred. Gonna be huge for me so I'm down :)
  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Nope cause everyone probably deleted their augments so now they can't do anything about the drones or that massive DOT tick on final boss :D
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  6. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    All these bonus weeks would be much more popular if you doubled renown as well as marks.You'd hear much less complaints with that simple addition to each old episode bonus weeks. Regardless thank you for the bonus weeks. I appreciate it very much.
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Did not realize I was the only one who kept my augments. ;)
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  8. Lilly New Player

    Not all of us are kids that have a winter break coming up... we're adults that work, even the weeks around Christmas. The closer to Christmas the busier people get and the more they travel or have out of town guests etc. We should've already had current DLC double/triple marks on both currencies. It's bad enough we don't have a solo or duo or 2nd raid. Give us something to work for, the grind is horrible for the little marks we get right now. It's just disappointing you aren't listening to the "people".
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  9. N-IX Well-Known Player

    you are content.....? well done you managed to make me cry .... lol it's just a game ........
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Still got mine! I never consume them unless I have 4...then I just drop to 2...most times I just get 2 now...one role, one DPS... too many cats needed now. They still come in handy from time to time and the benefit feeding them to the next one doesn't outweigh the loss. That Hive Master beam in Hive Machine Elite can still knock you out at CR 320 if you don't have the augs or climb on the walls. The ones from WV and LLL will be useful at least until the currency is depreciated because of the +1 mark on runs and +1 Aether/Beacon on the bounties....even if you don't need the damage/defense buff they provide at 23.

    I just wish you had a way to NOT have level 23 augs in the 'upgrade' screen so I have to scroll past them every time I'm putting food in my leg augs. 'Full' artis and augs should not show up in the 'upgrade' screen, at least at the top. 200 artis, 23 head augs or 287 leg augs, should auto hide or drop to the bottom of the list.
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  11. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    I keep mine
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  12. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    I still have mine .
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