Sorry... I'm so bored with the game right now and just realized that we have a full month (and possibly then some) before the next DLC drops. For those who are active on the test server, just wondering if episode 37 has showed up yet. And if so, any tidbits or spoilers to share? Anything at all?
I'd imagine that we'll see the new episode hit TC after they do a livestream about it. More often than not, the episode goes to TC shortly after a preview livestream, at least within a day or so of the stream barring any hiccups.
The BoP Episode will hopefully go to Test within the next 2 weeks. That will give testers roughly 3-4 weeks to test the content and identify any issues. Metal Part II was not on Test no where near long enough and we all saw the train wreck its launch was. I don't think anyone, Devs included, wants a repeat of that disaster.
I'm glad the episode is a month away, i will take a nice long break but i'm also looking forward for when it hits test server, i suggest you check the forums for any updates the middle of next month, i'm sure it will be on test then.
Did anybody else see the YouTube videos that went up this weekend regarding the episode 37 artifacts that hit the test server? Curious as to people's thoughts on these. I have a good amount of Nth metal stored up and wanted to see what new DPS artifact was on the way before using it all. Regarding the Source Shard (I think that's what the new DPS artifact was called)... I have to admit, although I do use pets, the fact that you need to dedicate a spot in your load-out to properly use this artifact is fairly discouraging. At best I may just equip it due to the high base stats but not bother ranking it up.
Pfft, I’ve been warning them for pretty much over a year now that these two week testing periods are grossly insufficient. Every episode since Titans has been an absolute mess on launch.
normally test server questions are posted in this forum:
Those artifacts were visible due to a bug, they were not the final product. Batuba said they weren't finished with them yet.
that dps artifact will most likely only make sense for earth and sorcery, especially with earth's jackhammer which has a high chance to reset the ability which resets the pet dmg buff but those artifacts werent adjusted yet by the devs therefore we only know how they will work but not how well they will perform yet.
Normally we are allocated roughly 3-4 weeks for Testing. Not sure what happened with the Metal Part II stuff but it's launch was EXTREMELY rushed. Metal Part I had just over 3 weeks on Test (3 weeks 5 days) and it's launch was rather smooth as far as bugs and issues went. However, Justice League Dark was only on Test for not even 2 weeks (13 days) and it's launch was pretty bad. Hell, still to this day people are having issues in Shattered Gotham and Shazam's cog :\.
Since it hasn't been released yet it's unclear of the full effects but it may also affect temporary pets like Swarm, Ice Devil and trinket pets. Maybe the Boo-tility belt?
The Metal part 1 alert is still an absolute dog’s dinner. Unless of course you like being suddenly KOed at random with no way to avoid it.
Someone suggested testing Artifacts first then testing content. That sounds wise. That way, people can run the current DLC content with the Artifacts because we know what the content should be like and would be able to find bugs easier. Then there is a set of variables eliminated for content testing. And they will probably do an event weekend when they release the content on Test which always penalizes the testers.
Ah...this is true. The final boss fight does have some random *** KO effect. Sometimes it will kill you, other times you just take a hard hit but are fine. That particular encounter does seem a bit buggy at times.
The A.R.C’s riot foam is also potential instant unavoidable death, and occasionally when one of Bane’s rocks falls on you it’ll register 5+ hits also destroying you outright.
Hmm, I've actually never had any issues from those attacks. A.R.C is annoying as hell but you can control what abilities he gains by killing particular NPCs. The Incendiary NPC one annoys me more than any of them though with that flame thrower. I try to always prevent the A.R.C from getting that ability.
I would agree to this if the test server were content clamped when new content comes out; in other words, when BOP is on test that should be the ONLY CONTENT AVAILABLE for testing. All else should be greyed out. That way, players can actually focus on the new content, its vendors, artifacts/augments, items and rewards; after all, that is the purpose of putting new content on the test server, right? After the testing time of the new content is over, they could then revert the test server back to normal or just shut it down until something new/updated needs to be tested.