I'm a returning player on the Nintendo Switch, slowly building up my CR (actually, it's quite a rapid process these days) and making my way through old content. This past week I got up to CR 241 and was able to go into Episode 33: Atlantis. I have to give credit where credit is due... this is a pretty damn amazing episode. I was blown away as soon as I got in... new open world area... new movement while in that area... the sound effects... it's just such a breath of fresh air compared to previous episodes. I'm having so much fun that I've stopped doing my Metal Gotham event dailies to bolster up my CR. I just want to take my time in Atlantis and level up slowly via the dailies in this episode. Well done!
I agree with you there. Loved Atlantis, it was so new and refreshing. I love the swimming movement as well. The open world is just breathtaking. On duty content is also amazing. P.S a little spoiler, in part II of Metal we will get to swim again for a short time while fighting the drowned So you will get to experience it again in the new content!
After 20 Gotham/CC DLCs, the bar is so low that flying wait no I mean swimming around in Atlantis is a breath of fresh air. does look cool though
When my wife and I came back to the game it was during Atlantis and we were impressed with the map, nice, big and original. I think they did a pretty good job with it and I hope they will continue to make new maps in the future