Test Discussion Episode 27: More Loot and Rewards Feedback

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Avair, Nov 9, 2016.

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  1. Fies Committed Player

    Adjusting renown to 200/400 was a step in the right direction. Using my "free" sub-ReplayBadges/DBC I should be able to get enough Renown for a full e-set in about ~8 weeks (in an ideal scenario).
    Why do you insist on wasting my time with those coin-prices though? In about 8 weeks I ll be able to get a total of 672? coins /692 with 2 elite Replays while the elite-gear costs 655? coins -> you are essentially "allowing" me to not log into your game for less than 5 days (8 coins/day) within those ~8 weeks. "Forcing" almost daily completion of solos/duos/(alerts) which are pointless (gameplay-wise) after a short time doesnt increase my enjoyment at all. You cant artificially increase longevity that way since all this just leads to burnout even faster. Why should I even "Replay" Raids/Elite (or play at all) when it doesnt get me anywhere without running the same pointless solos/duo every day for months?
    As it stands Im going to watch your attempt at #bestgearinvendor from the sidelines- expecting your next "big" anouncement of a complete loot/gear overhaul around May- early July ;)
  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Really? You've never played solos over and over again? Dang, I cannot imagine not running solos over and over again. So does that mean you haven't gotten the 100 iconic solo feat?

    I am just so happy that I will be able to work for my own gear instead of relying on luck and the ability to form an 8 person team (this does not apply to elite gear ovb and I will have to make sure I get to run the elite stuff as I want the elite gear). I miss the grind of only being able to run one raid in order to obtain the marks to buy the best gear. I was talking about this with my husband the other night and this new DLC is really going to bring him back to the game.

    IMO the DEVS are going back to how the game is supposed to be.
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I think you misread my name. It's Black Dawn.

    The rest of the "community" was complaining not two weeks ago that it was going to be to be too hard to gain the gear in 3 months, now the DEVS tell us that the content will be out for more than 3 months as the best content. AND now the "community" is saying that they are going to burn themselves out too quickly because there isn't enough to do. Dang, make up your mind all.
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  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Gear drops down 60%
    Coin drops down 50- 60%
    Gear Prices up 100%
    F this!
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I guess I'm a black swan also
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  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    That also includes me"

    the three Black swans lmao i heard it all now :D
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  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i'm inclined to agree with you. Somewhere along the way it went from #bestgearinvendor to #bestgearthatssupereasytogetandnobodyisallowedtorepaycontentorgetaheadfasterthanme.

    still i'm not loving the new system. back in the day when the best gear was in vendors the game was new, different marks for different tiers, r n d had minimal costs compared to where they are now and raids still had accessory and weapon drops and additional styles and iconics you had to work for even if you did manage to get all the best vendor pieces and the "1/2 tier"drops you would earn gave you a means to get stronger to make running raids to earn marks for vendor gear easier.

    With that said if we're able to get through Amazon Fury with minimal effort,if all its going to take are a handful of raid drops and one or two pieces of vendor gear to steamroll it all than whats even the point of working for it all?

    Replays are always going to be the wrench in the system. No matter whats done as long as people can replay content to get ahead they're going to. its a given. from as far back as the day replays went live this has been the norm. I came home from work ready to spend the loyalty points i had accumulated in anticipation of replay badges being put on the loyalty vendor and already there were several leagues boasting full sets of t4 gear.

    When the gap in content was announced I decided to stop replaying content. I did rerun the Kandor raid a few times hoping to score an op ring (never happened) but overall the past few months i haven't bought any nor spent my legendary replays or loyalty points. all this was done in anticipation for use with the upcoming new dlc. I've also been farming bytes like mad, stockpiling the erks to go with a stack of trks I bought during the last sale (with the intention of using them for new content).

    Funny how much slower progression becomes when you dont replay content to death. While I have five toons at a cr of 175 not one of these characters is "maxxed out". Not even my main. Running the Darkseid elite raid once every two weeks has garnered me one 150 elite belt (and I got the same belt four, five times). None of my alts have four pieces of elite gear from the RiTe alert and all of them go through it every week once a week. Maybe things would have worked out different if I played my usual way (which is running all content + legendary perks + 20 dollars a month worth of replays)...but I also figure all my top characters are getting everything done already. I really dont need op rings and additional elite pieces to finish up anything and i doubt that the new solos and duo are going to give my dps'ers much trouble.I'd rather take everything I would have spent over the past two or three months and throw it at the new dlc.

    Overall all I'd be okay with the gear prices if it was just limited to those 8 pieces of gear. Its the mods and the accessories and extra set of elite gear that gets me down. Too much work for very little reward. If we had enough content to support the upcoming grind for more than six or so weeks than i'd be good but with only a few instances to stretch out over a four to six month period is really stretching it,

    I'm very biased towards wanting the game to be a success. i'd like to see things work.
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  8. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

  9. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I'm aware: vendor gear is going to be for my healer role, dropped gear for my damage role. I'll have the best gear for my support role and next best for my damage role. From what Avair and Mepps have said, there's plenty of time for me to focus on development (CR and SP) for my main toon.
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  10. Off Side Well-Known Player

    I think that you are the one who don't get it buddy.

    It's easy, staff team want all this grind like AF3 DLC were a expansion of game, just take a look about all you have wrote.

    I would not say anything about all this grind if were like FFXIV when they announced Heavensward expansion... I don't know if you know about, but an expansion means grind, a lot of grind, but content is big, massive, huge...

    DCUO staff pretend sell us the idea that AF3 is a expansion of game, when is not...

    Point here is not the grind for itself, is about there's much grind for a very little content...
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  11. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Devs quick question, can you remove or raise the cap of MoV too?, at least once you are at CR 175, meaning the last MoV gear is useless to you. Content will still give the same amount of marks but we can't spend it on gear anymore so is it possible to at least raise it to 200 or 250?
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  12. bmce84 Loyal Player

    it takes long just to reach lvl 50 in FF XIV, and that's before doing dungeons.
  13. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    I already get that. I've already talked with others and think if the content is going to be over 3 months it needs to be harder and have another duo/alert at least, but the duration of the grind in itself is fine. Whether that same duration is spread over more pieces content is a separate argument.
  14. Off Side Well-Known Player

    Yeah, but that's not what I'm saying... all I said is content in FFXIV is bigger than grind, and DCUO want the same grind, with much less content...
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  15. Off Side Well-Known Player

    C'mon 1 duo/alert at least? Needs more than that... by far...
  16. Savynaa Well-Known Player

    Really i don't understand what the point to farm 3 mounth just for enjoy your vendor gear only 2 days because next dlc solo mission will drop better :/
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  17. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    If they add too much more content in order to still give rewards they'll have to increase vendor prices and reduce drop frequency to maintain the same duration of the grind to max gear. Wouldn't mind it, but I doubt they'd go that route in terms of adding hella content and reworking the drop and vendor gear system. Asking for 1 more piece of content wouldn't change an extreme amount of the current system I'm hoping in order for it to actually get considered.
  18. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    Because you're not going to mod that gear from day 1. If you farmed to 189 full vendor gear, when the next dlc releases, you're not unmodding that gear anytime soon. You're not going to remod t8/olympian mods for +3 might increase. That previous set of gear is going to be used until you finish the full set of that next tier. Only people who would even debate changing from that are dps's and tanks and if and how they remod in order to calculate the cr change differences is going to change with the stats update.
  19. AccelT Well-Known Player

    I don't think any more feedback is needed, everything has already been pointed out, what will follow most likely be based on personal experiences at this point (specially about all that math, if the devs didn't knew all of that... 'Nuff said). That said, my concern with this changes involve how too many things are being changed at once just with this DLC, its not only about the vendor gear prices, and lets face it, people tend to go against change... specially when most details aren't revealed. Do I need to mention AM or all the time Midrange took? (On a personal note, I highly doubt that would have been possible for Nature and Electric without requiring a bigger rework than other powers since DoT power moves get a damage 'update' if one gets buffed while the DoT is active, i.e. Stat Trinket or Supply after placing DoTs. Following that logic, setting DoTs on close range and then going mid or long range would have reduced the DoTs damage? Not even gonna go on how the pet AI would have had to be changed to suit the different ranges or how players would have complained on how the pets would behave).

    I do realize that since the most important factor at the moment for gameplay (CR Differential) isn't being removed before AFIII something different had to be brought with the Episode (there was a mention about alternate progression maybe coming with this Episode and I fully hope this isn't it), otherwise it would have been the same as having a bundle of monthly Episodes and players would have complained about that, BUT, I would seriously like to have some answers to a few things that were put on the Development Update:
    • What defines an 'enthusiast'?
    • What's the line between 'encourage everyone to play more' and 'force everyone to play more'?
    P.S.: Why is the new Soder Enhancer still over the Premium cash cap? What happened with not locking these players out of a feat from a DLC/Episode?
  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    But the DEVS said in the OP that the content is going to last longer than 3 months, we don't know how much longer, but I'm going to bet it's at least 4 months.
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