Dev Discussion Episode 18: "Blackest Day" (+ Elite) Operation Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by JackFrost, Nov 3, 2015.

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  1. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    I notice the FC damage ticks doubles and sometimes triples less than 5 sec interval thus making me believe it stacks.
  2. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    How long does Fatal Corruption last on you? I thought it doesn't go away once you get it.
  3. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Thanks for information. I knew it was the group causing him one shot me. Is there anyway to unstack him or is it just basically to many deaths means one shots and is a wipe? Also does this reset after each wipe? Maybe it is just my perception but it sometimes after a wipe he still seems to be hitting harder than normal at the start and other times it seems like normal damage. I will have to pay more attention now that I know why he is hitting that hard.
  4. JackFrost Developer

    Fatal Corruption should last on you until you are KOed.
  5. JackFrost Developer

    His damage / defense buffs go away after a wipe on the boss fight. He gets buffs each time a player is KOed, and the buffs are more powerful in the elite version of the operation.
  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I'm surprised ppl dont know this. He saids "with each of your deaths I grow stronger"
  7. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    It took the group I was in three attempts to get the feat. In each case no one died and everyone was on voice chat saying they had the corruption on them by keeping their chat window on the combat log. It's possible that someone was lying on the first two attempts but it seems unlikely. There may be something wrong with getting the feat every time the conditions are met.
  8. JackFrost Developer

    I've been testing this some more and can confirm that the Fatal Corruption doesn't stack. Though I believe if you get stunned or hit by some other crowd control ability while you have Fatal Corruption, it may make you impervious to taking damage from Fatal Corruption for the duration of the CC effect. In that case, I believe it's possible for the queued up damage to tick in quicker succession. For example, if you have Fatal Corruption and it ticks for damage, and then you're stunned for 11 seconds by some other Black Lantern ability (maybe you're out of power and can't break out), then I could see you ticking for multiple ticks of damage after your stun is over.

    Other than lag or the situation described above, based on extensive testing and based on the way it's all set up, I'm pretty confident that you shouldn't be able to have multiple occurrences of Fatal Corruption at once.
  9. JackFrost Developer

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm not seeing anything obvious looking at the data, but will continue to investigate. Sadly this is a difficult one to get definitive video evidence of (since people could be out of camera view and still in the fight), but if anyone happens to have video showing an example of a run where the players didn't get KOed, and yet everyone has Fatal Corruption when the boss is KOed, it may help me identify an issue. Thanks everyone for the information and feedback!
  10. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Ok. thanks again for the information.
  11. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Hades also says "death empowers me" him and black hand should team up.

    Maybe it is just my line of thinking but if he grows stronger by death then rallying your team mate should make him weaker. :D
  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Just my thought. Most bosses say what buffs them. I'm still amazed ppl die from 1st boss bde cuz they can't hear manhunters
  13. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    I see fatal corruption double tick all the time in Elite...
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  14. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Interesting. Will jot this down.
  15. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Tick tick tick... lul.

    Go approx 37 and a half minutes in. I've been waiting a few hours for the youtube editor to trim this down with no success, sorry on that.

    That fatal corruption dot... lol. 2 ticks of 13000 one after the other, then a 3rd not long after? Yeah.. FUN!
    • Like x 2
  16. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Can you say where exactly in the video it occurs?
  17. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    The embed didn't take up the time value? Should have. ugh. Append ?t=2297 Or, in other words, about 37 and a half minutes in.
    • Like x 1
  18. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    The fatal corruption dot does indeed double tick. This is without any adds up. It makes completing the raid extremely difficult when more than just the tank have the dot.
  19. Dogico Loyal Player

    I think this is a Fatal Corruption triple tick but I may be mistaken.
  20. YinChakra Dedicated Player

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