Test Discussion Episode 15: Player Rewards

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by drenz, Jul 17, 2015.

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  1. Fiash2k Active Player

    so if i collect now chest ,legs, back and waist and feat gets available later , will i have to collect those again ?
  2. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I am afraid that it could be a change of plans, but i really hope it's a bug.
    I did further testing in the duo to see how frequent the 120 item-lvl gear was dropping in there, atleast 1 piece of 120-item lvl gear per run from the duo, it even includes all of the 4 pieces. If this is intended, it won't end up well.
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Would you be able to let us know the style attached to the 112 gear, if possible? I can't think of any full sets associated with bones, except maybe Necromancer.
  4. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    The Bombshell posters base items are very small in my opinion. I know that it's relatively the right size compared to actual real life posters, but like this I can not really admire the posters for what they are. Also, the background texture on the posters are very weird. It looks like a chessboard instead of it being a smooth surface.
  5. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    the first day I ran it once, got 2 120 pieces, then the next day I ran it twice and got 3 120 pieces. I got the chest, legs, waist and back and would technically be done with this Episode in 3 days if I decided not to pursue any 112 gear.
  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The 112 gears is dropping frequently and can be pursued quickly enough, the 120-pieces are the actual chaser-gears that is supposed to keep your interest in grinding the content. It makes no sense having it in the duo and especially not at the current droprate.

    I COULD see 1 or 2 of these pieces dropping in the duo at a much, much more rare rate than it would drop in the actual operation, but that's it. How it stands on test right now is not right and will keep driving players away after they have geared up in 2-3 days.

    If we are going to have monthly content with only 2 pieces per episode, then there needs to be some longevity in it, more challenge and more grind to keep one interested and busy until the next month and episode. Roflstomp content with handout-gears over a couple of days will NOT keep players around, it will only drive even more players away.
  7. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Thanks...I used photoshop to make that SP emblem. Gonna enhance it by making the grey part of that more metallic.
  8. Loche Developer

    The 120 gear should not be dropping in the Duo. It also sounds like the loot might be dropping too often in the op too. We will hit all these issues on Monday, thanks everyone for testing and helping us out. It is really appreciated.
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  9. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Hello people! Just to warn you I had all reported problems!
    All the gears when I chose would use disappeared!
    Only weapons still!
    And a belt 120!
    Moreover all the content that choose disappears!
  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    This is great news! Thanks for the feedback.
  11. Magmaflash Well-Known Player

    Pretty much the same as everyone else.
    112 unattuned gear after tuning leaves inventory.
    112 weapons stay
    120 pieces from duo stay as well after tuning them.
  12. Tech Ninja New Player

    Had this same issue several times not just in the new content, but since lockboxes are global it is to be expected.
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  13. NerdOfPrey Creative Director

    Can you post a screenshot of the background texture issue?
  14. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    I hope that you can see it full size. Anyway yeah, the poster looks like blinds/chessboard.


    Edit: The Big Belly burger and Ferris air posters look fine.
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  15. NerdOfPrey Creative Director

    No. Collecting them now will count for the feat later.

    That would really suck if it did not!
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  16. drenz Developer

    We'll take a look into this.

    Thanks for the report Penryn / Tech Ninja
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  17. drenz Developer

    Got this icon issue fixed,

    Thanks for the report!
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  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That's actually part of the design of the original, real world poster.
  19. NerdOfPrey Creative Director

    Part of it is the lighting and shading limitations, but I think the effect is being exacerbated by the pattern that Jafin pointed out.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    I noticed that a few classical paintings do this too. I think the Sargent painting of Madam X does this too. It's possible it's the canvas texture that does it.
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