Energized Head mods not working...

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by RLManuel, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. RLManuel Committed Player

    I have a couple on my characters and whenever I log in they don't work( I get no power back), I have to go into my inventory and remove my head piece and put it back on to work... and after it will work just fine but if I que for something it won't work when I get into the instance, so I have to remove and reapply over and over again.
  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    How do u know it isnt working? And how do ya know its not working when u log on? IIRC those mods give 3% power back when using the specific ability they are tied to. Im confused.
  3. RLManuel Committed Player

    I know it isn't working, because I'm not getting the power back... I have to take my head piece off then put it back on to get it to work... like I said...
  4. RLManuel Committed Player

    Example: Energized Gravity Well

    Energized Gravity Well is supposed to give back 3% or your power when you use Gravity Well.

    Problem: Energized Gravity Well does not give back power...

    When I log on with my Quantum character, and use Gravity Well, I do not see the power back on the screen and I do not receive power back to my power bar either. And the sparring targets also show no power back/out.
    If I log on with my Quantum character and remove the head piece of my gear, then put the head piece back on, I will see the 3% power back on the screen and I will get the 3% power back to my power bar. And the sparring targets will show power back/out.

    But, when I do get the power back to work if I enter a instance and teleport in, it will stop working and I will have to remove my head piece and put it back on in order to get power back again...
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  5. KeeblerElf Well-Known Player

    this problem was (or maybe still is, havent checked in a while) happening to supercharged headmods to we made a video about it and turned it in so i wouldnt doubt it could be happening to energized headmods as well
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  6. RLManuel Committed Player

  7. DeathTheKid Level 30

  8. DeathTheKid Level 30

  9. RLManuel Committed Player