Elite Gen mods stacking question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by aquasurge, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. aquasurge New Player

    So do Type A and Type B Elite Generator mods stack together?

    For example if Type A gave 65 Might and Type B gave 130 might would that be a flat out 130 might you get or do you get them both such as 65+130= 195? :confused:
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

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  3. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    I have a question... I'm the "Elite" type that generally farms elite gear. I ended up getting close to full elite both roles last episode. Going forward, it looks like armories don't equate into the Elite formula, so it's pointless to gear both roles with elite gear since you're only going to be able to get 2/4 static bonuses right? You guys should look into making it so elite players can progress both roles in elite content.
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  4. aquasurge New Player

    This is true, I only use Elite gear for dps role while my support healer role maintains the normal current gear. If I do get a piece twice I save it in my bank but it ends up getting donated later on to the League Halls.
  5. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Where can I find these mods?
  6. Senko Committed Player

    Tower style vendor next to the renown vendor in tech wing but only A and B are available right now.

    Personally I'm wondering how best to spend these mods. A mix of abilities e.g. restoration for healing role and might for dps, just your primary for one role e.g. might or pick up a few secondary ones e.g. power or restoration. Put your primary on the highest level for a big boost that is lost when new content (greens come out), on the lowest levle so you have a continual low level boost, in the middle to compromise, on all of them?

    Also I have 2 120 pieces from the last content release but my A mod is written in gray rather than white is it not active because they're only purple not "elite" or is there no real indication of when these mods are up and running?