Electric healing artifact help

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DarkKaminari, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. DarkKaminari New Player

    Hello, im an electric healer and wanted some artifact help. I'm currently running purple healing ray, page of destiny, and trans card. I was wondering if eye of gemini or scrap would be more beneficial if im using group transducer supercharge instead of trans card
  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    You can argue About scrap with Group Transducer.

    For EoG you won't use the SC too much to really make a Benefit for the Group.
    Whenever I run EoG + Scrap Spam I have 2 2500 SCs in my loadout and can use SC all the time.
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  3. DarkKaminari New Player

    Yeah i was thinking EOG in place of trans card so instead or group transducer doing pheromone bloom 2500 SC to make the most out of the art
  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    Yes you can do that. I usually do it with 2 Supercharges.

    The thing is that you sacrifice like 2 healing slots for EoG-Support. From my experience this only works for good groups that don't need too much heal and know their positioning and mechanics. I have 2 setups as healer so I can switch whenever I want.
  5. DarkKaminari New Player

    yeah it really depends on situation. i've already been using all my healing moves anyways and i'm just sacrificing flux the shield for electric in exchange for EoG 2 SC but obv i can change back to trans card and flux whenever i want