Earth tanking post gu36

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Aspar Agus, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Aspar Agus Well-Known Player

    A question for the devs:

    Is it truly intended for earth tanks to have a 2 second window without mitigation each time they try to achieve proper mitigation with a Jackhammer/Upheaval and an single aftershock. 1/4 of the 8 second cooldown is over before you can block again.

    I'll probably adjust and go back to pet tanking, even with the limitations of Brick if that is what the developers feel that game balance requires. Although it kinda sucks to be honest.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Agreed. Timing was already an issue with Jacks, but it's almost twice as slow now. I think this is an unforeseen side effect of balancing the damage side. I use hybrid pet/absorption tanking, which will probably be fine, but it shouldn't be required. Not sure how to fix it since the animations have to be normalized as part of this balancing. Can't make it faster for tanks than DPS. I guess the aftershock requirement for absorption could be removed altogether.
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