Earth/Fire DPS

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by renobjc, May 29, 2013.

  1. renobjc New Player

    Is Earth Dps good? I understand that there are other factors such as play style but lets just assume all other factors are the same as someone who is a good gadget or HL DPS.

    If somone who has the same equips, cr, skill point allocation, and weapon (close range) whom is a Gadget or Hard Light power, is Earth Dps comparible?

    Can they keep up at the top of DPS charts with higher tier DPS powers like Mental, Gadget, HL, Electricity?

    I've never played a DPS role before. I'm planning on switching from a CR 70 Healer to an Earth Dps and doubles a tank.

    I realize that Earth isn't really the best power for tanking. People have told me its the worst of the three tanking powers but is it still a decent tanking power?

    Also, how about fire?

    Thank you :)
  2. TrueMarvel New Player

    Fire DPS is better than everything except the troll powers.
    Don't know about Earth. I'm still learning with my own earth DPS
  3. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    Fire is a great dps that can keep up with the troller powers, earth on other hand is a good dps but you wont be sitting on top of the scorecard most of the time.

    This is provided you do content at your level where being in melee distance is not easy and unlikely, now if your cr 90+ doing some T3 raids with gadgets or fire dps also 90+ then you can prolly out dps them simply because earth can jump into the middle of a mob and just melt everything away almost instantly no one else will get a chance to hit anything.
  4. renobjc New Player

    O I see. So Earth DPS really isn't that efficient early game? Only around late game does it really flourish is what I'm understanding. Also, I think I read somewhere that a precision based Earth DPS is much more powerful than a Might based DPS. Is this true?

    How about Ice dps? I mean by the numbers and their skills, Ice dps's shouldnt be really popular because they dont have alot of output damage but is it because they can survive is why people play them?
  5. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    Earth is a good dps at any point in the game however earth lacks range. Yes earth is precision based and does alot of damage but you need to be up close to do it. There are alot of situations where getting that close is nearly impossible so earth would be useless. Ice since the revamp has become a better dps but still loses out to fire as a dps.
  6. 478874 Dedicated Player

    As far as I know, Earth and Fire are pretty distinct DPS classes, though I think people prefer Fire for the DoTs and range.
  7. Aqua New Player

    I don't wanna start a war or anything but in order to beat troll classes in dps you have to play and clip like a madman, this goes for healer powers too.

    I feel like the devs have it in their heads that those two classes must have moves that have long animations and such.
  8. renobjc New Player

    Is the survivability of Earth DPS's much better than that of the other dos powers including the other two tank powers?

    Oh yeah and also, is Earth Tank comparible to fire and Ice? seeing as I almost never see Earth Tanks around.
  9. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    All powers types have clips that can be used encluding fire and earth, honestly though they dont need it all the tank power specialize in aoe damage more so then the troller powers. Hitting everything around you in a full 360, that damage can add up very quickly. Most people just practice and test dps on sparring targets and think thats the best way to find that top dps, you need to hop in an instance (personally I use farris aircraft duo) and see how quickly you can clear a room.
  10. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Earth is very interesting and rewarding.
    You can go with high might, high power usage builds or high precision moderate power usage builds.
    Learn your powers reinforce, unstopable, and gemstone shield can clip other powers.
    Learn your weapon sets higest damage moves you can actually pull off in end game content and how to clip them with a power and still get the damage.
    Once you got all that down go to town.
    Earth DPS can top DPS charts consistantly, the thing about being a really good to great DPS is keeping up frantic pace. Especailly if you are comparing yourslef to other good DPS. You have to get there first, get off your combo rotation first, find the next group of targets first. Its fast paced.
    Run over to youtube and search orbits earth DPS guide he updated it in 2013 and he shows off some really nice rotations for earth DPS
  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    They're all equal in the hands of a skilled player knowing the power interactions.
  12. TrueMarvel New Player

  13. Ogat New Player

    It's not better then Ice or Earth, Certanly not better then Elec. The only time i was outdamaged by a fire dps as earth was when i was still going for my amazonian gear long time ago and the person was already at t4.
    Have you played Earth at all? There is so much wrong with this post :> Nearly all of Earth's powers can be utilized from at least midrange including jackhammer. So yeah.

    Earth's long range dps moves: sand blast, debri field,stone,pebble blast,upheveal,striking stones,grasping hand,crystal the pet,rumblecrush
    Earth's midrange dps moves: jackhammer, shards, tectonic break,totem(technically you can set it near the boss and back off so might count as long range as well)
    Earth's close range in the face dps moves: unstoppable, localized tremmor

    Earth lacks range? Really? :>
    All powersets need to clip, troller powersets clip like madmen too.
    All dps are equally squishy. As for tank Earth is the least forgiving, and has no room for error in the new raids.
  14. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    Qgat let me break it down, earth is a prec based dps where bulk of its damage come from dazing then spamming jackhammer. Jackhammer has more or less the same range as a fireburst which In a T5 raid can be just close enough to get hit with boss AoE. Now for long range your only real option is going crush instead of daze, which means earth grip, debri field then spam striking stones over and over until u need to reset P.I.. Now by doing this as a normal precision based earth dps your damage will be laughable at best so to make earth range work you need to remod and respec as a might based dps. That is of corse for T5 raids so for pvp and anything under T5 you will have to go back to precision based so you can do the most damage you can as earth. Unless you absolutly love playing earth and have alot of exobytes to keep remodding your gear dont see how its worth it to chose earth over fire.

    Lastly not all powers are equal in terms of dps. Powers like gadgets, HL, and quantum are very easy to dps with which is way they are so popular because anyone can watch a youtube vid copy what they see can become a good dps. Most other powers takes experience and practice to be a good dps while some powers like earth and nature are gonna fall short in the current endgame content.
  15. El El Committed Player

    Earth Dps is beast if you know wht ur doing,check out Orbit on youtube for earth dps.
  16. AllanPage Committed Player

    With a good loadout and a good balance of precision and might Fire DPS rocks. Its an amazing hard hitter especially when you have over 2000might. Though since most people are Tier 4 or Tier 5 DPS geared things die faster, you need to have instant powers in your loadout. I use a combination of Instant and Cast powers and Fire burst (With 60% modifier Home turf hand mod) in my loadout. Works wonders.

    Fire Tanking is also pretty beast in PvP if you have good Skill points and gear, much better than earth imo.
  17. Alan Scott New Player

    If by 'beast' you mean 'power hog', then yes, Orbit is beast.
  18. Ice Lantern New Player

    I hate being a precision-based Earth DPS.

    1) You sometimes lag when you do Jackhammer. Or worse, you cause your whole team to lag.
    2) Jackhammer + adds blocking = you falling down a lot
    3) If you ever switch to anything except HL, you'll have to re-mod your gear.
  19. Ogat New Player

    Funny that's not even remotly close to truth. Thats not how i dps in the raids either but w/e. I'll go out and say that anyone who goes full prec is doing it very wrong earth needs both high might and precision.. The range of jackhammer is LONGER then that of fireburst and is enough to stay unharmed if you have half a brain to position yourself right,but you have to actually you know pay attention to the game. That beeing said i don't believe anyone saying that earth's dmg comes from spamming jackhammer to have any clue about this powerset, or even dpsing in general.
    But it's always like this powerset x sucks because noone spoonfed me the most effective way to play it.
    I've read "Omg earth?!" more times then i could count when people asked me what power I was. The tools are there just have to start using them.
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  20. TrueMarvel New Player

    Its better to go prec/might with earth believe it or not
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