Earth 3 - 1st impression

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Doc.Doom15, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    HE HE???? " You will all feel my wrath! "

    You know it is down right amazing what you can find on goggle .... All I did was type in "Evil Sunlight and found this.

    First impressions... I am enjoying the new DLC. Just to truly give it a "test" I am playing with an alt that is actually only CR 65 at the moment. I did all the outdoor missions on Wednesday and the duo. Then on Thursday i did all the outdoor missions and the alert. And today I did the two raids.. Obviously NOT the elite versions since my CR is no where near high enough.

    Things i like:

    1. the outdoor bounties.... Much tougher than what we saw in Amusement Mile. 9sorry you are not going to be soloing these villains) But also not actually necessary to be on a team to engage. I did OwlMan on a 303 team on Day one.. and we kicked his butt. Did Superwoman the next day.. now I WAS on a 303 team but out of the entire team only me and one other member responded and attacked her. It's kind of like what we have in the war Torn Village with THOSE bounties.. Just show up and attack will get credit.

    2. Boss Battles.... Okay so it may not be TOO hard to defeat the bosses in the raids or alerts but it is INTERESTING. OWL Man can be a real pain in the .... BUTT in the alert. you know kind of just like his counterpart from OUR earth .. (shhh do not tell Batman I said that) I kept thinking to myself.. "My god does this guy have anything else he wants to toss at us?' It was not as simple as stand toe to toe and just beat on each other till some one drops... heck the little BAST.. er.. Bastion of evil (lol) disappears and perches while you deal with the mobs he summons.. And then you have to knock him OFF the perch to attack him again. It was a lot of fun. Hey even the final battle in the raid where you stop them from attacking POUR earth.. You may start out just battling Ultraman but long before its over you are taking on SuperWoman and .. Oh look OWL MAN is back (AGAIN). hey the "preview " version is good so i can imagine what the elite is like.

    3. Outdoor ... One of the things I missed with Amusement Mile was that ONE SPOT where a team could just go and pound on mobs that respawned fast until you had all you needed like we have in the War Torn Village. Now here may be more than 1 in Earth3's Gotham but I found a spot where you go to rescue the citizens trapped in shipping containers. There are 3 of the containers scattered around a large parking lot and every single one has 2-3 corrupt cops guarding it.... Just keep circling and shooting until you hit 303! :) I also enjoy some of the story lines involved with those missions... you are defeating corrupt cops to retrieve election ballots they stole to help guarantee Gordon wins. Cyborg tasks you to mess with (huge surprise) electronics of all sorts to mess up the corrupt cops communications and so on. Hey not that I didn't and don't enjoy the Amusement Mile missions but after a while you just start thinking "How many of these guys do I have to strap to a rocket and launch to the moon.. before things get better here? LOL) .. in other words the missions seem a lot more like the kind of stuff a HERO would be doing.

    Overall impression .. I am liking it. Earth 3's Jim Gordon really needs to go on a diet.. WOW does he let himself go. NEVER let Batman and Owl Man sit down and discuss "Security" They are both Paranoid on their own without comparing notes. :eek:
  2. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    The alert is new..
  3. Tarif Committed Player

    The alert is a rehash of a recolored, stacked police station man. Even the stairs were built before, just redecorated and extended wider. Didnt even get started on that one because that one was the most obvious. I liked fat gordon though, cracked me up. I liked the new statues and a few of the cosmetics to make it FEEL different, BUT, We did NOT get one original, new level to play in. ; )
  4. Tarif Committed Player

    I do like the alert, I like the syndicate, I thought it was fun for the first two days, but felt like old content to me from the gate because the enviroment. Even though laid out different, its rehashed decor from other parts of older content in game we have played through. Right down to the railings. The outside of the building for the alert, in the open world, is a recolored building, the same building, literally, from the gotham city courthouse alert in the past. Go to your base, and change its colors, its the same thing. Is it new? Nope.

    This is what I mean by the rehashed content. even the fountains and plants are from older content, like the old city hall duo. Another level that had the "vertical" floors going up, during the arkillo fight, heh.

    Its literally like base decoration at this point. You have a design team thats laying out a map or area, then decorating it and calling it new with existing backgrounds from old content. There are a few new things, and yeah, I liked the layout, but artistically, creatively, it could have been something "newly created", and not REHASHED from older content. We've had way way WAY too much of that.