dwis list of predictions for future crisis (dlc7)

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by dWI, May 1, 2013.

  1. dWI New Player

    in no particular order

    the game will feel as it did when hand of fate dropped when origin crisis drops.
    (t5 rnd will be expensive and there wont be open world missions to gain realities at a good rate like how home turf did for wars. this is to encourage replays use to get the top gear quickly)

    dps will be further strengthened due to it being the choice of the masses, and you thought the devs dont listen.
    (every update in recent history has been strengthening dps, home turf added ways for debuffing, damaging, power regen, health regen, and getting aggro off you. now with origin crisis dps gear is recieving role stats. and to top it all off tanks wont hold aggro as long, there are at least 5 ways to regen power in game currently, the only role thats relevance persists is healer since by being in the healer role heals are greatly magnified and there is no natural health regen in combat like there is for power with hit counter and such)

    rnd t5 cola with enter the broker no lower than 300mil for the plan and the cola for bits scam will be revived on a greater scale since the new colas are not easy to find.

    the removed option to purchase supply boxes will pave the way for such items to be created in rnd, however it will be at the expensive of many triumphs.

    if im wrong about all 4 of these ill have to come up with some sort of giveaway.