Duel for Dollars suggestion - anyone interested?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Golden_Assassin, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Golden_Assassin Committed Player

    I was wondering if there was a way to have two opponents wager in PvP:

    I.e. Opponent 1 - bets 1mil
    Opponent 2 - bets 1 mil

    Opponents give the cash to a trusted registrar person in game. Whomever wins the match receives the cash from the registrar via game mail.

    Can Villians and Heroes still mail cash to each other for this purpose

    Also hit me up in game if you're interested. Golden Assasin - in game

    bruceleroy98 - PSN
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  2. Davenport Committed Player

    I doubt there is any rule against it. Granted, if you get scammed by said neutral third party then there's a fair chance the admins will just say it's not their problem.
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  3. Golden_Assassin Committed Player

    Can you send cash mail between factions if you know the player's name? I think the answer is no which is why i suggested faction registrars.
  4. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    It'd be interesting if a NPC referee/bookie is there in open world and WT/HoD that can do this.
  5. Veronica New Player

    Que Yo sepa Si puedes No tienes problema en mandar Dinero o distintos ítem a un villano siendo tu un héroe . a menos que estén sujetos a cuenta o no se pueda mandar por x motivo .

    por otro lado los administradores no se aran responsable si haces eso claro

    That I know If you can You have no problem sending Money or different items to a villain being your a hero. unless they are subject to an account or can not be sent for a reason. On the other hand, administrators will not be responsible if you make that clear.