Dual Trolling Raids

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Rob, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Rob New Player

    The post is about dual trolling raids, not solo trolling alerts and duos. If you run a healing debuff in raids sans Paradox or maybe Prime......you are asking to be kicked.
  2. blklightning New Player

    I'm not running Anomaly for its healing debuff. I'm running it for its crowd control. If you look at the controller powers, you'll see that the healing debuffs have the largest and longest CC. That's what I'm interested in.

    I haven't done Paradox, and have spent very little time in Nexus. My controller has a lot more work to do before getting there. Regardless, I do know the difference between having a loadout for adds and a loadout for bosses, and I set them accordingly. Even in a dual troll setup, I'll use Anomaly and then change it out situationally.
  3. Rob New Player

    I appreciate the post, but really, using Time Bubble to time the double tick of PoT is wrong for T5? Perhaps more important in T5 than anywhere else. Pickups are EVERYONE'S job in T5, if you are the one picking up, and your shield is on cool down (it should be) use Personal Dampening Field IV, absorbs 1,250 damage, making it a very viable shield.
    Secondly, if people just switched to controller, raids are not the best place to be conducting little experiments wasting people's time. I am directing this at the following controllers:

    - Full T5, fully expert modded, PoT tick of 192. (Figure it out.)
    - Highest Vit troller doesn't throw debuffs, thinks its "wasting power."
    - Troller that thinks they are there to CC adds with encasements and the like. DPS and Tanks love it when you do.
    - Running a healing debuff in anything other than the fountain boss in Paradox.
    - Using a melee weapon like one hand and just tapping the ranged attack between power dumps.
    - Those that use Time Bomb as a Quantum Controller, even though nothing is ever debuffed by them. (If you don't know, ask.)
    - PoT Troller expecting other troll to do the debuffs because their job is to give power back.
    - Controllers that think Dominance produces better damage out.
    - Controllers that don't run with a Group Shield in T5 raids.
    - Controllers that over write (or override, which ever you prefer) PoT to make it look like they are contributing something on the scoreboard.
    - Highest Vit troller has too many lapses of PoT not being up, happens every 2 to 3 cycles or so.
    - Controllers that think melee is the way to go in T5 raids. Yes, I've actually seen this.
    - Controllers that have their Home Turf mods completely out of whack. Escalating might in Neck, Toughness boosts in others......etc.
    - Controllers that do not recharge. At all. Might not every have it on their loadout.

    There are many more out there, these are just some examples of the types of controllers I have encountered in Nexus and Paradox Pugs. Some of you that are reading this post or have contributed to it may fit one or several of these descriptions. If you think I don't know what I'm talking about, or, as one person thinking they speak for the masses put it, "hurting the community with my stupidity," that's all well and good. I respect your opinion, just know,experienced healers, trollers, tanks, and dps can spot an impostor in the new content within the first couple of minutes. You will be kicked from raids if you don't modify the way you play. Despite what you may or may not think of me doesn't matter, I truly do not want to see your experience in raids be soured because you have been kicked for wanting to play your way.
  4. Rob New Player

    Gravity Bomb? Pyrokinesis? Cryofoam and Napalm Grenade? These CC the longest and are the largest? Anamoly at melee range? Better than Tachyon Burst, Lift, Sticky Bomb, Encasements? Check again.

    I do agree, Anomaly is fun to use in duos and alerts, no place for it in T5 raids. Not reliable enough to use on the Fountain Boss in Paradox.
  5. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Sounds good to me.... Feel free to add any of my troller alts to your friendslist, because its very rare you find other controllers who are dedicated to playing their role properly... Beware though because the "PLAY IT YOUR WAY" bad trolls are about to bombard your post and debate with you why trolling with a bow is better than trolling with hand blaster LOL.... +1
  6. Rob New Player

    @ Willydon,

    Sadly my friend, I'm about to go back to DPS'ing. DPS is EZ mode. Mainly because I'm tired of the loot tables in the T5 raids.
  7. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Below is the CC for the heal debuffs and the the abilities you listed.

    Cryo foam: roots everything in the cone
    Napalm grenade: stuns target and 3 other adds around it
    Horrific visage: polymorphs 1 target anything it touches gets polymorphed
    Pyrokenisis: single target stun
    Snap trap: single target stun
    Light blast: stuns 5 targts
    Anomaly: stuns 4 in melee range
    Gravity bomb: stuns target and 3 others around it

    T.burst: stuns target and 1 enemy nearby
    Lift: levitates 1 target
    Sticky Bomb: stuns target and juggles it and everything around it
    Encasements: encases target and 1 nearby enemy (entrap is the exception it encases 4 I believe)

    EDIT: a lot of these also add PIs which help the DPS burn faster
    • Like x 1
  8. Rob New Player

    Thanks for sharing derp. Some cc's affect enemies in different ways. For example, in FoS 3 on the gold guys, sticky bomb, gadgets PoT, will knock them up and stun, where as the defense debuff will not knock down. For Quantum, Tachyon Burst, our PoT, has no affect, aside from PI, but AWave will knock them up, back, and down. Some adds and bosses are immune to different types of CC while others are not.

    In coaching, we have a saying, if you do all the little things right, winning is the byproduct. Same applies to being a CC troller IMHO, if you are debuffing, appropriate CC will be an added bonus, but never the main focus.
  9. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    I agree CC is situational, I use different powers for different raids/alerts/whatever depending on what I need and what my group configuration is. Personally when I was quantum I loved anomaly in the nexus hallways for locking down the brainic drones that wake up, it allowed me to position hit the power to CC with out targeting and continue assisting the group. For me it was the best power for the situation, I didn't use it anywhere else in nexus and as soon as we got to a boss it was removed a.wave.

    There are situations where the CC from heal debuffs is extremely helpful.

    I agree though that it shouldnt be used on a boss outside of prime or paradox.
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  10. blklightning New Player

    G-bomb is in a different tree, and I'd have to completely redo my powers to get it. I'll switch to it soon enough, once I hit content where melee is not viable.

    Let's look at Tachyon Burst. It offers a very reliable stun for up to two adds. But, if I'm the 2nd troller, I can't use it lest I over write p0t. Anomaly hits up to 4 and offers a reliable stun as well. The stuns (CC) offered by health debuffs are more grand than those offered by def/dmg debuffs. Sticky bomb is a quick shake off and a wonderful juggle, but its effects don't last as long as tburst or Anomaly. When I decide to play with the space tree, I'll give lift a try. We all know how much encasements are reviled, so there's not much to say there.

    I don't use Anomaly on bosses, as that's a complete waste of power. I swap it out for either a 2nd shield or another debuff.
  11. blklightning New Player

    This is a wise approach. There are a few schools of thought when it comes to controllers and CC. Some have said that CC can be more beneficial than debuffing. Of course, it's always situational.
  12. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    I have to back this one up too. Hand Blasters may be one of the easiest ways to get your power back up, but it's merely one of many tools you can use as a troller. Is it easy and useful? Definitely. Is it optimal? That's debatable.

    What of other weapons? Surely, I can use Rifle to the same effect. I suppose having to use the Surprise Volley often means I will have to pause for a while and move backwards (or use . Still, I am getting a lot of hits per lunge and I am still getting power back that way. I also prefer Grenade Launcher to Charged Blast for the purpose of knocking people back. It's clippable too.

    Or how about the classic Hard Light + Brawling combo? Coupled with Brawling's low hit tier counters, I'm sure I would be able to get to the Yellow Tier faster than if I had used HB.
  13. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Would probably be the smartest thing you've said yet.
  14. YodaDog New Player

    Seems like your getting knitpicked to death by some veterans here, but this was a strong post full of good information, IMO. I feel confident practically everyone here has a "bad troll" story, about a guy who coulda benefitted greatly by reading this thread.
    +1 OP
  15. YodaDog New Player

    The OP has already stated that he never meant to infer that HB's were the only or best way to go. Only that it is his preference and recommendation.

    Perhaps he could've picked a better word than "Optimal" but so what? I understood what he meant, jeez...
    • Like x 1
  16. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    I just started reading this and I'm not exactly up and chipper, so forgive me. But yes, a better word than "optimal" would be nice.
  17. YodaDog New Player

    Yes, well we could certainly play that game with every word in every post in every thread.. Just seems like we're giving this guy a really hard time over absolutely nothing here, IMO. I mean, again.. I got his point and knew exactly what he meant by that. And he confirmed, I read him right. Am I so much more intuitive and perceptive than you? Cuz I highly doubt that I am...
  18. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    Not really sure why you're being defensive here. I just gave him my own opinion on things, which he could use to revise his guide. I'm not giving him a hard time. I'm giving him a different perspective.

    Since the first thing I read was " A thank you to all who positively contributed," I took that as a sign of being open-minded and that he can still edit his guide to make it better.
  19. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    The only problems I have is the 18second pot recast, which has been talked about and he clarified, and hint saying they heal debuff powers should not be used and you should be kicked if you do use them for CC.

    Heal debuffs should not be used on bosses that don't heal but they are a valid and powerful form of CC.

    Besides that all the other information is really good.
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  20. YodaDog New Player

    I believe the part I found worth defending was where you quoted and backed up Vlad on his statement: "I stopped reading right there at 'Optimal: HB's'.." As in: "That statement was so wrong-headed and crazy that there was no point in reading any further, because it would be a waste of time as you clearly know nothing about trolling, newb."

    I guess thats not what you meant but it is what you said and I think that's just a tad harsh, with all respect.