dps for nature and sorcerry loadout

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by superquickkid, May 7, 2014.

  1. superquickkid New Player

    i need a healer and dps for sorcery and a dps for nature loadout
  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

  3. Artichoke Heart New Player

    Don't know anything about Sorcery, But for Nature DPS I like to run:

    Vine Lash: Briar: Savage Growth: Swarm: Carnage: Harvest.

    Pop Swarm at the start, Dot the enemy with vine/briar/savage growth, spread it with Harvest, then hit carnage and run a WM combo, try to get the crit at the end of the WM combo when you hit harvest again and just repeat that process. Works for me.
  4. J Zmooth New Player

    For Sorcery Dps:

    Soul Well, Circle, Fury, Grand Summoning, offering, and Shard.

    Keep the DoTs going and keep giving power to the Fury.