Double Catalyst Weekend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    Double Catalyst Weekend!

    With the ever expanding array of Artifacts, these powerful items heroes and villains can fortify and rank up for a wide range of stats and bonuses, both Nth Metal and Catalysts are required. Nth Metal is found by defeating virtually any enemy in the game, and when used adds Artifact XP into your artifacts. Every 20 ranks, your Artifacts need a bit more umph, though - they need Catalysts to breakthrough that rank. The specific Catalysts for each rank are found by completing specific pieces of content (and the Artifacts screen will direct you where you need to go).

    This weekend, in ALL of those locations, you will receive double the amount of Catalysts. Get out there, breakthrough on your current Artifacts, and stock up! You never know when you will want to rank up a new Artifact, and it always feels good to be prepared.

    Additionally, daily instances in Episode 31: Deluge will have a chance to drop a Catalyst, and weekly instances in Deluge will be guaranteed to drop a Catalyst. What specific Catalyst you get in Deluge will be random.

    The bonus weekend will begin this Thursday (April 12, 2018) with daily server restarts, and last through Sunday (April 15, 2018), to daily server restarts on Monday morning.
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

  3. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    • Like x 3
  4. ChillCat Loyal Player

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  5. Eve YouTuber

    Awesome!!! :D
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Stupid. Now I have to save money and run content instead of buying catalysts in the MP....shame
    • Like x 4
  7. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Outstanding \o/
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    You buy catalyst from the MP? Why?
  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They're cheap. 1100 MC gets you rank 20-80

    My post was sarcasm btw
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  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    How many though? I got that. I never noticed you could buy them, lol.
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    All of them. every catalyst needed to break through and the right amount of them.
  12. KodyDerp Dedicated Player


    I'd rather run 100+ raids for 100+ weeks to finally complete that one set of gear. /sarcasm

    P.S You guys should really up the amount of marks raids give, it's pretty much impossible to be at max potential without buying replays. Bad enough there's probably around 80 SP that cost and arm and a leg just to get. Took a year and a half break and you guys are still slacking...come on
    • Like x 1
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you are buying replays so you can finish in a timely fashion, everything is working as intended. If you think they cannot do the math and figure out that the 800 some odd marks needed to finish the current gear set + collection for the OP piece only by running every piece of content every day (grind) or spending money on replays (pay), you are underestimating their math skills. I take a bit of the edge off by only buying the new gear on my main after I have finished the set on an alt, then getting the half price gear, but that's still a LOT of grinding. And that's not even including the Elite set....another 400 some marks needed for that.

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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Why would you buy cats from the MP when you can get them via trade or from the broker for in-game cash? Most are not too expensive....or run content on an alt you are not worried about upgrading and trade the cats around.

    It should take 3 or 4 weeks of Nth metal to get from 100 to 120, so there is plenty of time to get the cats even without the double drops (which are appreciated nonetheless). It's 18$ for the 120 set of cats in MP....even if you didn't want to wait the weeks to get the cats naturally, spend the 18$ on replays and replay the get gear and marks as well.

    And don't forget your seals when upgrading!

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  15. ZuroXtheDragon Active Player

    This IS soem great news ^^
    Thank you.
    Atlast, i can upgrade all my artifacts to 120 :DDD
  16. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Math check

    Total marks per week running normal raids = 126
    Total marks per week running elite raids = 132

    Full set of normal gear (including both rings, may, neck, weapon, utility belt and trinket) = 670 and takes 5 to 6 weeks to aquire

    Full set of elite gear (including normal items listed above, since there aren't elite versions) = 760 and takes 6 weeks if all raids runs are elite (no renown booster needed)

    OP collection is 375, and takes 3 additional weeks to aquire.

    So 8 to 9 weeks to aquire best gear without resets. Giving you 3 weeks or more to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    Vendor prices are always set to take about two months of play, earning the max every week. If you want them sooner, that's on you.

    Notes: episodes don't typically come out faster than 3 months (12 weeks). The gap between riddled with crime and Earth 3 was a fluke, due to RwC changing from a major event to an episode. I believe it's also been confirmed that the Superman event will not have a higher item level than the vendor pieces from Deluge.

    Also, I wouldn't expect a new episode until at least July, since the Superman event has new stuff coming out every month till then. So you'd be closing in on 8 weeks after finishing best gear before you start gearing up again.

    Edit: you can also choose to skip the non style items and speed everything up by a week. It's not like you need them for feats or to be able to finish anything in this world or the next.
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I forgot to originally mention this extra bonus as well:

    Additionally, daily On Duty content in Episode 31: Deluge will have a chance to drop a Catalyst, and weekly On Duty content in Deluge will be guaranteed to drop a Catalyst. What specific Catalyst you get in Deluge will be random.
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's almost like they're testing open world content to see if they want to stick catalysts there.. :thinking:
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  19. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    More options to get Catalysts, the better.
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  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Is this event content as well, or exclusively end-game version?