Dont tell me you cant Hybrid!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Nice. These are the numbers I noted for SP allocation for Precision/Might+Power/Health/Resto/Dominance/Vit, based on the on-screen text information.

    - 10 SP for 2% and up to 20 SP for 4%
    - 30 SP for 5% and up to 60 SP for 8%
    - 80 SP for 9% and up to 100 SP for 10%
    - Every SP after 100 adds numbers on an exponential curve. Max of 175 SP per stat.

    If looking for efficiency to spread out the SP for a hybrid build, 60 SP looks like the number to hit per stat.

    So for dom, you have 70 SP for 8.5%.

    Shields are all dom + resto now right? Not just pure dom? I think it may help by setting 60SP for dom, then 10SP for resto. You sacrifice 0.5% dom for extra 2% resto. The weightage for dom versus resto is different. So you may want to test it out a bit.
  2. appocolyps Committed Player

    I used this for new raids, i didnt even feel under pressure in the slightest.
  3. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    somebody "gets" the revamp
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  4. Requake Dedicated Player

    To be fair though @Appo, I don't think other powers next to atomic have this potential.

    Rage has to keep a power to cancel their crash, ice cant spam combos as they're basically built around their shield.
    If you want to run an immunity, redirected rage (is very useful atm) and a pull, it limits your options very much.

    Let's say JH could be aftershocked max 3 times it would definitely hit your 'damage potential'
    I don't see rage dropping their enrage mechanic (yes that's how its officially called nowadays) to add an extra combo they can spam.
    + Berserk doesn't seem all that interesting to use either :D

    But I like it, it's what I used to do with my celestial healing before revamp. Usually outdpsing slacking dpses lol.
  5. Mussurana Level 30

    It's working well. Haven't taken it raiding yet but it's more than capable of handling SJ and WC runs.
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I tried solo trolling JFAr as a battle troll. It was rough, but we finished. My power back isn't as good as when I'm dpsing. I went thru stacks of colas.

    I agree. Solo troll or heal is rough. High power costs to keep the group up, and trying to dps at the same time. Finding a good rotation of supply drops, sodas, sidekick, etc will help. It will get better, cause this was my first try. It is a challenge compared to battle tanking though for sure. Big difference hitting buttons compared to watching the group and yourself.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player


    Heck yes.

    I think the best setup currently, if going solo heal and troll is two battle tanks. Ran some content this way and was cake.
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