Donna Troy in Gotham Under Siege

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mirai, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Is there a trick to countering Donna Troy? I have the Gotham Under Siege mission to take her out. She has a ranged attack that can nearly one shot me (and will one shot me if I've even a small amount of damage), and she doesn't seem to give any indication that she's about to use it.

    I haven't had a problem taking out other Gotham Under Siege versions of the heroes and villains outdoors so far.
  2. Eve YouTuber

    I just fought her there and she seems to be normal. I know that in the Invasion alert, when she blocks you need to stop
    attacking or she reflects the damage at you. Perhaps shes doing it to you in the open world. I had no one-shot from her.
    Or any of the bounties there.
  3. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Hmm. I've tried fighting her a number of times, and I just keep getting killed by whatever power she's using. I'm not sure how a reflected attack could do so much damage.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    What exactly is she doing there? Blocking? using her lasso? And what your current CR is?
    And you can check your combat tab to see what she damaged you with.
  5. Mirai Well-Known Player

    I have no idea what she's using, it's so sudden. I forgot about the combat tab. I'll look at that next time. My character there is CR104.

    Next time I might try just standing next to her and watching her carefully during the fight.
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    Hmm, She's not supposed to hit so hard, she can be soloed like the rest of them. I believe it also
    has to do with the amount of health you currently have, try using a shield in the fight and don't attack
    when she blocks, and see if this helps. Pay attention to what shes doing. Because on my part she was
    as usual. But Perhaps since the revamp she's harder at relevant CR. Or try to group up with a healer or
    Tank, maybe it will help.
  7. Mirai Well-Known Player

    You were right about the reflection attack. She popped up the reflecting bracelets as I was using my pulse beam, and I immediately killed myself. I'm not sure how I can avoid that, but I'll try it without using pulse beam at all.
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  8. Eve YouTuber

    Pay attention to her, when you see her blocking stop attacking, and continue when she stop, and try block-break her.
    I assumed it was the issue, she does in Starro Invasion alert and the tunnel of Lust duo as well.
  9. Mirai Well-Known Player

    The thing is, she always pops up the bracelets as I'm firing off an attack. I get hit with huge damage every time, no matter what my attack is. I can't heal fast enough to stay alive in the fight.
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    It's tough to get out of regular/preferred attack patterns. LOL Every once in a while a fight will surprise me and force me out of my routine, so I know how you feel.

    You'll usually get the skull popping up right before she pops the bracelets (it's what I've seen in the Tunnel of Lust, anyhow). If you can cancel out of an attack when you see the skull you should be fine.
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  11. Eve YouTuber

    What server do you play on? Maybe I can hop on and help you. There is not much I can offer, I just make sure
    I'm never mid-animation so I can block\roll away if I have to and I shield up.
  12. Eve YouTuber

    Not in the open world bounty \ Invasion alert. No skull there, Sadly. I just pay attention where her bracelets glow in blue,
    so I know she will reflect damage at me at this point.
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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Reflecting npc’s in this game are absolute bs. Reflect attacks in other games only oneshot you if you use a really powerful attack. Not so in DCUO land, where breathing on a reflecting npc kills you instantly. Other than trying to get help, I don’t know what to suggest OP. I’ll be going on my villain in a little while, I’ll investigate for you, see what I can find out. In the meantime, my sympathies. :mad:
  14. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Well, I barely manage to do it after many tries. I finished her off with a sliver of health left. Thanks for all the replies.
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  15. Dene Devoted Player

    Perseverance & Tenacity = pride on a job well done :D
  16. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Donna has a reflect attack in almost every instance she's in. In most, she gets the red Skull-V over her head right before she does it. But even if that doesn't happen, look for her to be in BLOCK stance with her bracelets glowing blue.
  17. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    She does skull in the Alert: Starro's Invasion.
  18. Eve YouTuber

    The first time I saw her she didn't have one, I didn't encounter her again. But Players still don't know she reflect damage
    when she blocks.