Dog Form Trinket Request

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SenateZ, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. SenateZ Active Player

    Hello, this will probably be an unusual request, however, I've been asking it for years in hopes that my words would reach the ears of a designer in DCUO. Having reached the end tier, several times, I find myself standing around in HoD more and more, I enjoy it a lot, but I always feel like something is missing.

    This Christmas, I decided to ask for that missing thing, a Dog Form trinket, make it a marketplace item even, I'd be happy to buy it.

    Help a regular HoD loiterer enhance his experience by barking randomly at his friends.

    Put on some peer pressure folks.

    Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays.
    • Like x 8
  2. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Nature Powerset has dog form. It's one. Also there is cat-switch trinket dropped in halloween its veeery rare & you're too late for it.
  3. SenateZ Active Player

    Thank you very much for your insight on this. I was asking for the dog form trinket for us non-nature folks, similar to the gorilla form.
  4. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    If we do get a dog form trinket, the dog better be a Pug.
  5. Anima Committed Player

    dislike button.
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Pretty sure this was asked recently, also posted a big "NO" in that thread too.

    It diminishes an aspect of the nature powerset and cannot be given.

    If you want to be a dog go nature.
  7. SenateZ Active Player

    Indeed, and stuff.
  8. Little Sister New Player

    Say whaaaaaaaaaat ? :eek:
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    The nature gorilla form is actually different from the gorilla trinket in appearance and ability, the gorilla mode is also a temporary supercharge.

    You're asking to be given a cosmetic dog trinket that allows you to permanently be a dog, similar to that of natures ability. I'm sorry but I simply don't agree.

    The dog is something unique to Nature, it's like people trying to ask for quantum tunnel to be an iconic power. You can't take things away from power types to give to the masses just because they like it.

    If you want to be a dog, go nature; if the devs want to release a form trinket anything other than a dog, go right ahead.
  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Honey badger, then. Give it the super speed moveset as well, since we already have a trinket for flight and for acro.
  11. SenateZ Active Player

    I'll settle for a dog form trinket different from nature just as the gorilla form trinket is, as you described, similar to the dino form trinket compared with Sorcery.

    Thanks for your input.
    • Like x 2
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    If it has a clear enough distiniction then, sure
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh for sure, hate 'dem dirty villains :p
  14. Gibone New Player

    It's a great idea :D

    No one is asking it to be same as nature's dog, with same abilities. Just the form, with 1 or 2 emotes like barking and wiggling tail.
  15. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    AND A PRIMAL WOLF TRINKET! Primal wolf do it please please please please infintity p
    Ease with yet another please on top?

    I'm making an insanity wolf character based off the meme 'insanity wolf' and the primal wolf form kinda looks like insanity wolf lol if I could have the wolf form with rage it would fit insanity wolfs image better.
  16. Chungweishan New Player

    Nature's Dog-form is useless other than the /salute and whatever emote makes it look like I'm humping. I'd like to see more folks do useless salutes and humping regardless if they're Nature or not.

    Gorilla-trinket is annoying though... but that's the beauty of that trinket.
  17. Neuthonix Active Player

    I think the idea is great, it's for fun. Nobody said that it has to be the same as the dog in Nature.. Just to bark it's enough ! If there's people who will give money for it, then why not?
  18. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Well, I kind of agree with both points: it is a Nature thing, but it would be fun. So a solution where the form is different is okay, but it needs to somehow loose points on some level...


    Ok, we get a cosmetic dog form, but...'s wearing a holiday sweater.

    • Like x 1
  19. SenateZ Active Player

    The idea of it being exactly as nature is misunderstood, I'm at fault for not explaining the request in more detail. My request is basically a dog form trinket, similar to the gorilla form and the dino form in their differences with their original powersets, no purpose to it than playing with a silly form, and maybe regenerate power bar as many PvPers like to do.

    Add a bark to the forms, basically.

    Go wild, don't stop there, if the designers/developers want to add Wolf, Bug and even a Gingerbread form, would be awesome.
  20. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    Sup Sen =)))
