Does the Strategist card scale?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Whodini, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. Whodini Well-Known Player

    As in...does tactical advantage get stronger as you increase your CR?

    I'll probably test it later, but I'm very lazy you see.
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  2. Bipolar Diva Well-Known Player

  3. August Moon Well-Known Player

    i believe it scales with stat not cr . so if a might based damage triggered it , it would be a portion of might
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  4. Lara Committed Player

    Post it here when you did test it
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  6. Lara Committed Player

  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Strategist DoT's proc'd by might damage will be based off your might stat and those proc'd by weapon attacks will be based off your precision stat.

    On a related note, I've long held a theory that I would love to test that precision DPS are actually better off clipping burst might powers instead of DoT's as the increase of the prec proc's to might proc's ratio on the prec side would be beneficial, even if the rate of total procs is a bit less. I'd need to be a PC player and utilize that combat log analyzer to test this. But alas, I'm a PS4 player.

    That is one of the bigger advantages to might DPS over precision. Might DPS's will see 95%-100% of their procs are calculated off of their strongest stat while a significant portion of precision DPS procs (potentially up to 40%+) are proc'd off of might and thus hit for a much smaller amount.
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