Does the Owlman OP Head Give an Extra Buff?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Heywiar, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. Heywiar Committed Player

    Hey there! I just got the OP Owlman head today and I noticed something weird happening after I got it: A Battle Display from Gadgets appears on my face and then shuts off. I am Hard Light and so there is no way for me to get this effect. The Battle Display is red with a blue target in it. It was happening on my DPS side too so I do not think it was due to my Elite Affinity mods. (My DPS does not have Elite gear like my troll so those mods were unable to be activated.) Is this effect from the OP head or from something else? Is anyone able to back me up on this?
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Do whatever activates it then quickly check your current effects in the action tab. Tell us what you find because this sounds juicy :-D
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  3. Heywiar Committed Player

    That's the thing! It is random! It sometimes happens when I hit Recharge, sometimes when I hit my Light Blast debuff. I hit my Whip Thrash in DPS role...there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. I have not even noticed a timing on it. I did try checking my effects but it goes away with the Battle Display.
    But yeah, if I find out anything, I can share the cheese. ;D
  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Interesting... either it’s purely aesthetic. Or maybe it’s like the fortune teller mechanic in the Paper Mario series where it just occasionally applies an appropriate buff to random actions?
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  5. Heywiar Committed Player

    Good point! Either way, I like the look of it on my toon.
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah even if it is just aesthetic it’s a really neat touch. I’m wondering how it’d interact with a gadgets character who actually has battle display though xD
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  7. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    so Thats why I keep hearing the sound of when battle display goes away on my electricity dps :O
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  8. Heywiar Committed Player

    Nice to hear I am not going insane. ;D
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