Does that make sense?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by holyking, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. holyking Well-Known Player

    Hello all so here's the thing I'm not much of a fan of AM(specifically when using elec) but as elec I still use my old old loadout since it my favorite and it still somehow,weirdly deal more DMG than the AM loadout.I use static push,buff,static bomb,electrocute, the Shazam looking power and the one where u call elec under the person's the thing is static push,buff and static bomb by themselves gave me the opportunity to surpass other elec DPS using AM loadout with higher cr or higher might but the down side is you run out of power faster than u can drink a my question is.anybody else use that rotation? How do u deal with the power usage since u don't get any power back?how is it that just these 3 powers can make me surpass players with higher might or cr than me?
  2. holyking Well-Known Player

    BTW I use WM too so I do it this .clip static push with buff,then WM and then static bomb,and the rest are AM>electrocute, Shazam looking power and the lightning under feet.
  3. megamanzero Loyal Player

    power return ruined the game. cant use other loadouts cause no troll wants to give power nowadays