Does anyone in EUPC use the RP channels?

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Alina, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Alina Well-Known Player

    Happy New Year all

    I was wondering if the European (PC) players use the RP channels guide by Supergirly at all?

    A few years ago I've seen a few EU players including users from the United Kingdom pop on and ask if there are any role-player leagues or attempt to start one and we all fall short. This began on the Prosiebensat.1 forums about a year ago, before we merged back with SOE and we lost contact with each other.

    Some US players have advised me to forget it and transfer there because the community here snow-balls itself. But I can't believe that German, UK, and other EU countries are not interested in trying on their own servers.

    GW2 has a big Roleplaying community on EU and I was hoping one day we can say the same for DCUO, even if it's a small minority.
  2. Saami Loyal Player

    I think that most doesnt even know that there is rp channels.
  3. Alina Well-Known Player

    That's a huge shame would of been great to know that people used them. I decided just to swap to US for a while, however that doesn't mean that I won't be on EU to see if any users are using those channels now and again.

    If more EU role-players could take the time to read and respond to this thread it would be much appreciated.

    Thank You
  4. Alina Well-Known Player

    Had little problems logging on today [invalid subscription error] , so if anyone is interested in using the channels on EU side leave your characters names below so we can bump into each other more often. I'm willing to spend more time in getting this started officially, but I can't do it if nobody in game is interested.

    At the moment I'm on villain side, so I'm not sure if I can communicate with heroes with custom channels and vice versa. I'll look into it later to see if it's possible.
  5. Alina Well-Known Player

    - Mesmer

    So after scavenging the forums for confirmation that custom channels are cross-faction it seems they are :D

    Nobody seems to be using them of late or the forums for that matter at least on EU side. But I'm still positive of it happening someday, for that reason I'm going to keep posting.

    Feel free to post your thoughts, I don't bite much.