Do The Objective " Not all about Damage/Burn".

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Brutality, May 24, 2018.

  1. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    There needs to be a healthy balance. I do think support roles, more so troll than healer, should be handling secures whenever possible. But at the same time I've done a gorilla island alert where everyone was killing gorillas and I was the only one carrying the lil squares back to the teleporter and hitting the consoles. Low level instance I know but just a perfect example of when killing things does absolutely nothing to advance the instance and even the lil level 10s couldnt stop doing dmg to go grab a box. Like it says right on the screen do teleporter, do computers... No where did it say kill gorillas lol. They are only even there to impede your progress in getting the secures! I was yelling in the mic the whole time like guys you are literally doing nothing right now...

    But like I said when possible, troll should go grab the secures.
  2. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I can't count the times I've ran a raid as troller and it's come down to the troller healer and tank to beat a boss because the 5 "beast" dps are noting but windowlickers .
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  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Let's put it this way, who would you rather lose, a DPS or your only troll?

    Pickups expose players to dangerous situations, where there's a good chance they can get knocked out themselves (unless the raid is a cakewalk, in which case it makes you wonder how the dps got KO'd in the first place).

    IMO, pickups are totally situational, and having one roll assigned to it is pretty stupid.

    Is there a DoT field doing minimal damage but preventing pickups? Then hopefully the troll has a shield on their loadout to help with the pickup.

    Is it a normal KO, with no DoT? Then a nearby DPS should stop dpsing for 5 seconds (let's see, like 100k damage loss maybe, I think the group can deal with it, lol) and grab the pickup. That way you don't risk a support roll getting KO'd, resulting in a much more severe loss of power, heals, etc. that would make the fight last a lot longer than 100k damage, lol.

    But, of course, many DPS aren't talented enough to stop in the middle of their rotation to do anything (not all, of course, and not leveling this at you either, there are some awesome players out there).
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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    We just had a DPS fail an easy feat on purpose. The no click on Mera or OM feat in the new raid.

    We had a players ask if we could do it and everyone had no issues but him. As soon as we walked in to the final boss fight that DouchePS clicked it. I knew we should have kicked him when he started b*tch*n about running feats.

    We need kicks while combat is active for this kind of BS.
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