do any legends pvp leagues exist on USPS3 for heroes?

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by dWI, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. dWI New Player

    im looking for one for my side project. i only log in on him for the vault and legends pvp at the current time and this wont change for 2 months at least. he is only level 12 so he cant do all the maps. i currently only like to use 2 legends, batman and steel. but on him i think i have robin, huntress, harley, and nightwing as well. he was only started about 5 days ago. i do understand how to play in legends so my actually characters level wont matter. send a mail or tell to Magnum Magman, if you would like to recruit him.
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  2. Doc Holliday New Player

    I've never heard of one tbh.
  3. DarthPig New Player

    Although not a strict PvP league, we do enjoy a lot of PvP at the Justice Knights. If you have an original name and enjoy a strong sense of community, hit up the JK,
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  4. dWI New Player

    i have actually noticed the Justice Knights league recruitment page , and have felt that it would be a good fit for me. but due to the registration on a third party website, i have been hesitant to apply. all my characters have original names including my main, dWI is IMP upside down not an acronym for driving while intoxicated. to explain that my base is named IMP. my main is also from the killing joke server, i have the emblem and all. its my emblem of choice for style on my main but i use a chest style that makes it less visible, but if you want to see it id be happy to show it. however due to the volume of accounts created after the game went f2p i had to loosen my naming standard, but they all fit into the requirement still. i am also always willing to help a fellow hero, there is currently a huge morality identity crisis in game where because the hero faction won out initially and became the easier side. i have seen more comradery from my brief stints as villains among them due to the necessity of surviving as a faction.

    if you are still interested in recruiting me, i would be happy to join.

    warning: posts i make on the forums are often criticized, due to them dealing with topics others choose not to address.
  5. DarthPig New Player

    Do not hesitate to apply on site. There is always someone on who will look through your application, we are a very active league both on site and in game. The only way we accept applicants is through the use of the site. Don't worry, we don't bite.
  6. Original Scar New Player