DLC9: Strike Team Operation feedback thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by JackFrost, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. MsJonzz Well-Known Player

    I'm sorry I can't remember which stage, but when the operation is supposed to direct you to the JSA safehouse, it directs you to the Mogo Command Center. So the yellow X/arrow on the map point to the JSA safehouse, but the text says go to Mogo Command Center.
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  2. JackFrost Developer

    Thanks! We've got a fix in for this now for both the hero and villain missions. You won't see it until another build is pushed.
  3. Erich New Player

    The invasion of the JSA HQ feels alot like the Knightsdome duo, in that the mobs just seem to be endless and brutal.
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  4. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    A couple of comments about the first section of the Metropolis Battlezone part of this Operation on hero side:
    -My team was having problems getting credit for shutting down the Generators if there were multiple teams interacting with the generators. It seems like the team that turned the most cogs received credit.
    -My team finished the "Rescue the Green Lanterns" part for that section first. I was expecting that after we had finished that section, the white dots corresponding to the Green Lanterns would disappear from the mini-radar. They did not. The white dots for the Green Lanterns didn't disappear until we finished the Generator objective.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    To sound off what Erich said, I'm not getting reasoning why that battle is so long. It has bombs that you have no use for and they just keep coming. Seems like a needless way to slow down your movement to the final room. I unfortunately couldn't finish at Gardner, because we lost a troll then the heal left. Good alert, story is pretty good and I like Lyssa.
  6. Kristyana New Player

    During the final boss fight, when one of the bosses goes down he becomes untargetable but can still wreak havoc. During this time he's unable to be taunted. Not sure if this is intended or a bug.
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  7. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    In the JSA Safehouse boss fight. GM WildCat doesn't follow the game mechanics. No one can block break him or if a player blocks and he attacks he will not fall over, He will however block break you and player will fall over when he blocks. Please fix.
  8. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Agreed, Also what on earth are those Seedpod Bombs suppose to be used for??????
  9. JackFrost Developer

    Thanks for reporting these issues. We investigated both of them, and weren't able to reproduce the 2nd issue. But, we do believe we identified the issue where some teams are not getting credit for helping shut down the Construct Generators. We're going to deploy a fix for it as soon as we can, but it probably won't make the next patch, but should make the following patch.

    Again, I appreciate the help in identifying problems!
  10. JackFrost Developer

    Thanks for the heads up. I've not seen this particular issue while playtesting or developing this content.

    When 1 of the 2 bosses is KOed, they should take a knee and stop fighting. It's possible that they finish a combo they were in the middle of before taking a knee, but as soon as that combo completes, they shouldn't be fighting any longer. Is this possibly what you experienced? Or did you see something else?

    Any additional information may help us track this down. Or if someone happens to get a video of it occurring, that may help us in uncovering a problem. That said, we'll keep an eye out for it.
  11. JackFrost Developer

    I looked at Unyielding Wildcat this morning, and his combat behavior is similar to other bosses. Was there a slight blue flashing on his outfit when you tried to block break him or counter him? If so, he had immunity, which an is possible when he successfully counters. He also does some feints, which can't be block broken. I hope this helps!
  12. Horrorshow New Player

    I find this alert to be a little too easy. I was expecting something a little harder and more challenging.
  13. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Even so, immunity is only suppose to stop stuns/cut damage and not whole counter game mechanics. But if so, then that is really unfair to the player being that all he does & some other bosses do is spam block. As there were 2 DPS in group with me being one them I got a lot of aggro in-which I need to depend on the counters to win. There were no feints, Just regular blocking/ 3 or more tap combos or lunge attack. None of the groups counter attacks/blocking were working on wildcat, but he sure could counter us.

    In that fight both Black Canary & Kilowog were following counter mechanics. I reran the alert right after that and got Supergirl who was also following counter mechanics. So I'm at loss to why I couldn't block or block break wildcat.
  14. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Ok anyone else noticing the bosses in the 4 man operations acting really funny? Like i block but his melee movies knocks me down. I thought range was the only thing that could block break you?
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  15. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Then put on some T2 gear. Not everyone that plays is as skilled/geared as you or feels that way. I find it to be the right amount of difficultly. Please stop with the elitism because if it was that easy then you would go solo it.
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  16. Aensov Developer

    I wanted to stop by and maybe clear up some of the confusion with countering and immunity in combat that is causing some heartache. The counter system with NPCs works in the same manner as it does in PvP. If a player or NPC is able to counter someone who is considered vulnerable they will succeed and are granted a short period of “counter immunity”. This vulnerability can be from using something like Rifle's Flip Burst, which is vulnerable to interrupt, or Rage's Lacerate, which is vulnerable to block. Counter immunity means that a player or NPC is unable to be countered themselves and is displayed as a blinking blue glow to message the status.

    Minion NPC's are not able to gain counter immunity. “Match” NPC's or Lieutenants that appear in Alert content or higher are able to gain slightly longer durations of immunity than players. Boss NPC’s that appear in Alert or higher content are able to gain significantly longer durations of immunity. These extended periods of immunity are the cause of what players are seeing when they are “unable” to counter an NPC.
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  17. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I'm not sure what's going on with the counters, but in both of these operations, the bosses will continuously counter you with out the player doing anything. I was standing there not blocking or throwing block breakers and was countered over and over, on my back, unable to break out. This happened multiple times, to all of my teammates.
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  18. Sore Steadfast Player

    I appreciate the dev participation to give such detailed mechanics information. Sometimes it is pretty far between these gems.
  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    Was that an actual counter or just a crowd control action, e.g. stun, juggle, knockback? I've noticed NPCs in this game have stepped up their juggles since somewhere around GU32/GU33. It's almost like breaking out doesn't give you crowd control immunity (white flashing) anymore and you're instantly susceptible to being stun locked by NPCs. I notice that more with those Lieutenant-style NPCs. That might not be your scenario (and I might be slightly exaggerating) but it does seem worse.
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  20. Horrorshow New Player

    Wow. What are you even talking about? Please learn some manners before you assume something. I find the alerts to be extremely easy. The NPC characters get killed really easily.