DLC9: Legends Feedback (Atrocitus, Saint Walker)

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by drenz, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Can you add tooltips/power descriptions for his powers to the F1 tab? Clicking the powers shows nothing right now.
    - Lacks super-strength or extra weaponization skill/rating to pick up large crates and boulders. That's odd because Atrocitus is huge and Kilowog/Arkillo get the super-strength.

    - 1, 2, and 5 do the same damage. 1 & 2 have really long animations like Saint Walker's and 5 is a copy of Bane's lunge.
    - 3 is a strong medium length DoT with no comparison. Closest in damage would be Lex's Surface Strike I guess. The first tick is stronger than 1&2 and then five ticks of the usual DoT.
    - 4 is a really long DoT that does more damage than Hammerang overall. It looks like 17 ticks but sometimes I see 16. It also applies a plasma burn PI to enemies which increases the damage of 1, 2, 5 and 4's initial tick by 20%.
    - 6 is the 100% SC that heals like Bane's SC, absorbs 10k damage for 4 seconds, increases your max health to 8.2k, replaces your 6 power with a copy of Bane's Battle Roar, and gives you the rage healing thing for 9 seconds. Every 2 seconds all of your damage is converted to heals. The first tick starts a second after the animation ends and there's 5 ticks total. There's no cap on how much it can heal from what I can tell. Maybe the best SC in the game?

    He looks great in large group play but is just too squishy having the lowest health with no shields. All of the animations are pretty long so doing massive DoT damage leaves you helpless for a long time. The supercharge is insane but is not something you can rely on.
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  2. drenz Developer

    I just looked into the tooltip issue for Atrocitus and found the data error. I've fixed that this morning so it will get out to you guys in the next PC Test build - Great catch on that one.
  3. drenz Developer

    Saint Walker does have an execute ability which causes bonus damage to targets below 35% health. It's the third tray ability called Purposeful Strikes.

    The animation on this ability is a bit longer than most and the caster is vulnerable to interrupt, but it's a risk vs. reward situation. It seems like you may of been unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of two of these at once!
  4. warpax New Player

    after some more testing i came to the following conclusions.
    both of their hp seems to be among lowest in game. the supercharge charging on saintwalker (without the barrels) is really slow, so on maps like lair battles you cant even use it once. the CD i agree with, but the charge, you guys want to work on buffing that a bit.

    5.8k hp on SW and 5.25 on Atrocitus compared to lets say Amuns 6.2 seems pretty low, especaly in those bigger fights, where you will most likely be focused down, and with the low SC charge on SW i dont think his SC will be useable. it is a great SC but but but...
  5. Horrorshow New Player

    I think they need to have higher HP.
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  6. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Thanks. The tooltip for Ire Stomp says that it's usable while controlled but the ability isn't actually usable while controlled.
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  7. Kristyana New Player

    Atrocitus has the second lowest HP on the legends roster besides Circe. He hits like a truck to balance, has a berserker mode, etc. However, you cannot cancel or clip out of ANY of his powers the way you can with other characters. He's completely outclassed in 1v1 but would be a good support character or on an objective based map.

    Compared to this, Saint Walker is ridiculously overpowered. Nearly all his attacks are clippable with each other or able to be jump cancelled, with a UWC shield, a 50% healing supercharge, a DoT that debuffs, a 35% finisher that can clip with the shield, and he has much more health than Atrocitus.
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  8. SirMuttonChops New Player

    There seems to be a graphical glitch with Temperance on Saint Walker's load out. It spawns in the different color spectrum. It seems to be location-based. So, if I continuously place a Temperance down in one area, it'll be the same graphical glitch repeating itself. Where as, placed somewhere else, it'll be a different glitch, but the same effect can be recreated there. The problem is pretty obvious: Temperance says "Blue Lantern," but that is obviously not happening often. More to the point, there is a "Dark Blue" as well.

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  9. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Just wondering, why doesn't Atrocitus have the melee weapon buff (crit weapon damage, control resist)? Maybe it's just a coincidence, but the only other melee legend that oddly doesn't have this buff is Bane, who shares quite a few similarities with Atrocitus.
  10. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Oh, I thought the lantern thing looked weird at times. The same glitch also happens with Steel's proximity mine sometimes.
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  11. Scur Developer

    We are working on a fix for this issue today. We should be able to get the fix out to Test Server at the beginning of next week.
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  12. Helping Hand New Player

    Hi, i have a very big bug with legends currently. Catwoman's Surprise Attack (1st power inside of stealth) is hitting for 2x as much damage as Robin, Batman, and Harley's. Catwoman's damage on this move is currently 1600-1800 damage and easily over 2000 with a crit. While Robin, Batman and Harley can only do 800-900 with a regular hit and 1100-1200 with a crit. Can this problem be fixed before the dlc hits live?
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  13. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    The reason why CW's does more damage is because it crits. CW, Robin, Batman, and Harley's Surprise Attacks are all the same exact move. The only difference is that CW's crit buff applies on Surprise Attack. The others get the same crit buff after Surprise Attack ends which can be used for another ability. Having the guaranteed crit on Surprise Attack is still much better than on a backflip but it's not like a CW stealth combo does 2x more damage than another character's stealth combo (surprise attack + second ability). When you compare the two combos, it's more like a 15% difference. But maybe Catwoman's Surprise Attack crit buff deserves to work like the rest of the Surprise Attacks.
  14. Helping Hand New Player

    Log on right now and when you do Surprise Attack with catwoman, tell me if says critically damaged when she does it. And how would that explain a hit for over 2000? Especially if pvp arenas/legends has had crit damage and chance lowered while inside? With that being said, should be impossible for Catwoman's Surprise Attack to hit anywhere near 1600-1800 since that would higher crit damage then any other legend character.
    Game Update 12 pvp crits nerfed: http://forums.station.sony.com/dcuops3-old/posts/list.m?topic_id=50421
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  15. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    It says "Surprise Attack ... critically damaged ... for ... " for me. Not sure why it should be different for you. The pvp crit suppression only applies to arenas. In Legends there is no critical effect suppression. It's also impossible for CW's surprise attack to hit for 2000 without an additional buff. Right now the normal damage for her surprise attack on another legends character should be around 1366-1771
  16. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    So, the size problems were sexually transmitted?
  17. Yallander Loyal Player

    I like how these new legends play. As many have said Atrocitus should have more clip options. I do like playing him though, feels like a high DPS Batman :).

    Saint Walker is a lot of fun. Just ran a few matches and the powers seemed to fit both character personalities. Haven't been able to do any tough matches to check on balance or mechanic issues. At face value these two characters are a lot of fun.
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  18. warpax New Player

    Atrocitus has no escape tool, unlike circe wich has teleport and a bunch of adds to split the damage/confuse enemy.

    and you compared SW to Atrocitus only? he's not op imo. he needs either a hp buf or a SC recharge buff. his dot is easly avoidable, finisher interuptable, and the cooldowns seem to be ok. he defenetly is not a heavy hitter like some of the charcters in game and he's not a great tank either.

    ppl need to test them more vs other legend caracters including marcetplace ones too.
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  19. Kristyana New Player

    Sorry. I've been comparing him to other legends toons as well. Given the types of his powers, the shield, the supercharge, finisher, and that lantern, I do feel he could use some tweaking.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Anyone looked at how much their HP pools were adjusted?