DLC9: Art Related Feedback

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Scur, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Scur Developer

    Hi all!

    Thanks in advance for playing the War of the Light Part I DLC content on Test Server!!

    If you experience/see any art issues with the new environments, animations, NPCs, or gear please let us know in this thread.
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  2. Ryuherz New Player

    Sory about that thnx mepps for the pathc nodes.

    Abotu the Art i did see it on live stream the Blue Flash jst looks amazing !!
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Please I love DCUO so, remove the horrible white fog you get when you go the boundary area of the map! Why does this keep going back into the game? In DLC8, Gotham Wasteland didn't have it. Please, stop using it. It is horrible. If I can't go past a certain point, okay, I know there is a barrier there, but this just ruins it for me visually. Thank you.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    I uploaded an example. It's not necessary. I can see where the boundary ends. Plus, when you leave it, there is a few second cool off for some reason.

    Why was this added back in? It's not something people like to see at all and ruins the beautiful artwork.

    Side note, why is everything so dark right now? Did you adjust the video in the game since GU31?
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  5. PixelatedDream New Player

    First I agree with BumblingB the white fog is really annoying, I've never liked it.

    I don't like how the female version of the Red Lantern symbol seems to be a red background and light pink lines and doesn't glow and the male version is black background and red lines and glows. I want mine to glow too and I think it should be black background and red lines. It's not cool that they are different....


    Next, the Green Lantern symbol. It's too bright. You can't even make it out. Sometimes it just looks like a white circle. Either the background should be grey and not white, or the Green should be darker. Here is the player symbol compared to the NPC symbol. You can see how washed out it is. You should be able to clearly make out the symbol. This happens on both Male and Female versions.

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  6. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i was coming to make this exact same post actually.

    both logos are hard coded. the GL logo is hardcoded to be white with green emblem and that makes it appear more lighter on both males and female styles. the logo used on NPCs is just skinned flat onto the NPC and this is why they don't match. and i believe it is intended that they appear lighter and brighter than the rage logos.

    however, the RL rage logo is (from the male version) a hard coded black logo with the red emblem on top of it. the female should be the same but instead it's using the same as the Green Lantern logo and is actually a white logo with the red emblem on top of it... making it lighter and pink in appearance instead of being on black and darker in appearance like the male version. this is very unattractive and it should be fixed.

    additionally... female monarch feet styles for Scion of Ion are totally out of scale and too large for the body. it looks like the wrong body build size (Mesa) has been turned on instead of the correct size for that build (monarch). it's VERY unattractive and should be fixed also. will update with pics later if requested?

    otherwise -- having dissected these sets -- they're absolutely beautiful. the art team has easily made the most attractive Tier Gear in the game with these. i couldn't possible levy enough praise on Plastic Man and his art team. more of this please. lots more. :)
  7. Geek ManXY New Player

    I completely agree, The Green Lantern emblem on the Chest is really hard to make out most of the time, the green is way to bright with the white background and you can't really make it out at all.I think it would benefit the most from having the white in the emblem toned down just a little, and maybe have the green made slightly darker as well.

    I think the Red emblems are pretty much perfect for the male version, maybe it would benefit from not being so bright some times, in come places such as my base, it has such a bright glow that you can't see any of the emblem.

  8. Plasticman Developer

    Thank you for your feedback! We will look into removing the world boundary fog from the alternate Metro Map.
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  9. The Hunter New Player

    Vendors boxes buged
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    That would be simply awesome! Of course, if you can do it there, can you do it everywhere? CC? OC Ops? Please? :D
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  11. Little Sister New Player

    Green Lantern logo looks perfect, but shouldn't the Red Lantern logo be white on a black background ? There is no red in it in the comics. I don't think DC would like their logos being messed with. :eek:
  12. Scur Developer

    There's an issue with boxes that is being investigated. We hope to have a fix out shortly.
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  13. Scur Developer

    We are investigating the issue with the female version of the Red Lantern logo and the female Monarch feet issue with the new Scion of Ion style. Glad you like the new gear!!
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  14. tukuan Devoted Player

    B. I can't get on now but is it like Alt Metro where you have to fight on the edge of it or is there a good buffer at least between mobs and the fog?

    Regardless, I think just about all feedback I've ever read on this is in favour of the invisible force field over the fog.
  15. SuperiorMouse New Player

    thank you. here is an image for side by side comparison against the rage set foot style, which i hope demonstrates the size issue. -- girlfriend has cankles :/


    also, the feet style looks perfectly in scale when used on the mesa character model and doesn't look like it has this problem at all using that build -- so i definitely believe the wrong build style was inadvertently turned on or something.
  16. SuperiorMouse New Player

    moving onto another "issue" ... i realize that the Rage power which creates the area vomit (name escapes me) is supposed to be messaging the AOE that it encompasses with this visualfx BUT that vfx is massive and covers the area of an entire "room" worth of space -- considering how bad graphics pollution is in this game, is there any way that the vfx for that attack could be somehow scaled smaller but still reflect it's AOE? it's going to be a huge contributor to graphics pollution once it goes live. -- however, i really think the vfx itself is very nice looking :/
  17. MsJonzz Well-Known Player

    In queue to login and I notice that the new emblem on the scion gear on my flirty/female medium sized (can't remember the name) looks like she is balancing a hockey puck on/between her breasts....really odd looking
  18. MsJonzz Well-Known Player

    In queue to login and I notice that the new emblem on the scion gear on my flirty/female medium sized (can't remember the name) looks like she is balancing a hockey puck on/between her breasts....really odd looking
  19. tukuan Devoted Player

    In Canada that's one of our mating displays...
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  20. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    When viewed from above and outside, some of the mists have a big black dome shadow on them. Took screenshots then accidentally deleted them (oops). The blue mist on the coast pretty much due north of the hero spawn is the worst as that is a very dark area as well.