DLC12 - Player Rewards Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Crafty_Crafter, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Why exactly is there a Scarecrow's Twisted Cleaver Dual Wield Style in the DLC12 Vendor?

    I mean...it's nice to have, love the style, yaddayaddayadda, but it makes no sense whatsoever. Is it justified because there used to be a Yellow Mist Scarecrow a year ago?

    I'd rather have those styles as rare drops from Iconics in lower tier content instead of being in a vendor that can't justify the styles very existance in it.

    Speaking of the vendor: It seems as if all the weapons styles you can purchase are completely random chosen (Biomech Bow, Weeping Blades, Hand Blades). That makes the DW Twisted Clever even more random in my eyes.

    I would suggest putting in some hard-to-get styles like class-only styles for weapons or the basic weapons you only get when creating a toon (like the Basic Staff).
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  2. Crafty_Crafter Developer

    Sounds like a bug, I'll look into getting it fixed. Thanks!
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    The twisted cleaver DW style doesn't currently drop in game. I would leave it in the vendor and it's not unheard of using an iconic style as sivanna's glasses are in the HT solos., but I gotta ask, can we have the baseball bat 2h style? PWEEESE?!
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  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Muhharharharhar gimme all ya haaaaiiiit!

    No seriously I'd rather farm this item from a Iconic to a) get it myself and b) sell it for a hellofalotmoney on the broker rather to have those "random" styles from vendors.

    As I stated before those vendors should either drop a whole cycle of new or old weapon styles. New styles are these mist-infused that seem to be drops or bounty quest rewards? dunno. But older ones could be like a biomech-cycle or the default styles you get when creating a new toon.

    For the latter I truly believe that there are many people who would like to have a standard casual staff or pistols. At least I know this from me as well as from several league members and friends ingame.

    @ CraftyCrafter: Any chance those cool styles like the cleaver or other 1h styles are available for Dual Wield or Two Handed in bigger forms? Would loooove it :)
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Doesn't currently drop in game. There is no random to it. If it dropped, it would make a few people happy and I wouldn't care. Would prefer it to stay in the vendor, since the style is 70 marks, which is equal to the style vendor.
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  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yeah I knew that. I ment that I'd be nice if it was farmable. I would even like it to have it as a rare rare rare drop from Arkham Inmates on Arkham Island.
  7. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    No raid iconic has been tradeable since T2. No DLC has ever had an iconic that is tradeable since the Flash DLC. If they make it an iconic drop, it just means that most people will probably never see it in game. They've also only added to loot table after an instance is release or updated 4x, that I know of not counting SM, 2x if you don't count funiture.
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That's actually a bad thing and not a good thing. I personally would love to see iconic tradable gear in instances but with a CR of 30 so that - no matter how high the CR requirement for an instane is - noone could speed gear up with new iconic stuff.
  9. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    Seems like iconics are being moved to collection items, like the pieces in HoP1.
  10. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Thats rather unfortunate. I enjoy farming items. It is a nice diversion. Farming exobits isn't the same..
  11. Crafty_Crafter Developer

    It's more of a brand issue than anything else, which is why I'm making the change. We try to have iconic styles be related to the content they are part of, which is why I was so quick to change it. I'll keep them on the radar, hopefully we can get them out soon.
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