DLC Pack Structure

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 5, 2014.

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  1. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    I edit my post go back read
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Same response. Yes, they have said that the raids will be different, not just different difficulty settings of the same raid.
  3. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    ah ok then good stuff, I dont see anything wrong with what they said then I give a green light xD
  4. Minecrawler New Player

    1st of all I think you are exaggerating the level of competitiveness in this game, and this pretty much summarize the reason

    So it pretty much comes down to what is fun to you.
    2nd if you say you dont care when you get a new loot when you are playing a new content then, I find it very hard to believe. Find one person who would choose an uncomplished feat in Assult and Battery (just an example) or an exteremely fast run over the Ring of
    3rd if you are taking bragging as "I am better than you cause I have this" than start thinking of it as "Hey I just got this. So awesome."
    Start seeing things in a lighter tone and you'll find the game much more fun and a lot more less complicated than you are making it.
    Its the pure joy of getting something new, something better and showing it to others, there was never a competition so dont make it one.

    Peace out.
  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm assuming this was all in response to my post, so correct me, if I'm wrong. Personally, and I mean for me personally, fun is playing through the content with friends and league mates. Sure, I have a Ring of OP, but it's kind of a joke in league. I didn't do anything special to get it. Just luck of the dice. Two other league mates have them, one of whom got it on his first run of A&B. The content was easy with gear from Nexus and Dox, so getting the new drops only made us more overgeared. I pretty much have set styles for each of my toons, so that wasn't really an draw. Kind of annoyed I can't land the Vestments chest to get my "feat," but whatever. I don't really need any more SP. So, for me, both gear and feats really are "meh." It's playing through the content that's fun. But, that's me. If some folks get a charge out of getting a luck-based drop, a luck-based feat, or an actual skill-based feat before becoming overgeared for it, good for them. Whatever keeps you playing the game.
  6. Minecrawler New Player

    I was just referring to your quote, didnt expect itll come out like this. Sorry for confusion. Still imma read rest of your reply and get back...Although I have a bad feeling I just created an unnecessary debate. Apologies again lol

    Edit: cant edit the other post but luckily I used a sequence (1, 2, and 3) so hopefully you can read the post from a new perspective and let me know if something still bothers you.
  7. The Hornet New Player

    Apparently not. It's live. ;P
  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    No worries. Not bothered. I'm easy like Sunday morning. ;)
  9. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Say what again ?
  10. PhoenixTanker New Player

    So should they get the same feats and skill points as you also? Because last time I checked feat and skill points are rewards too. In case you misunderstood my point I am against their line of thinking that we all should be rewarded the same. The latter was created by the community not the game. There was a time when only a few gamers could run Nexus and of the few even fewer could run Paradox. I am by no means an elitist just a realist people like yourself should be rewarded according for your achievements. In real life, the CEO of a top company get rewarded better than all those under him/her. Their life and lifestyle is a testament to their hard work and dedication. Feat and skill points are like numbers no one can really see them but people can sure see the mansion, yactes, parties and cars. Its all the same really just a different way of showing the same results. Some people are quiet about their success others flaunt their achievement.
  11. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Feats/Skill points aren't going to be the same. Those aren't rewards.
  12. PhoenixTanker New Player

    How are they not rewards for accomplishing something? Feat is recognition... Skill Points increase your innate stats and you are awarded them for accomplishing what?
    All I'm saying is this running a hard raid is not easy and cost time, effort, energy and etc... Make it worth our wild with something to literally show for it. And lest it not be the same as something from a normal or easy raid. If that is the case make every raid normal. But again this is the developers way of trying to resolve an issue created by We The Gamers.
  13. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I'm just mirroring what I see on the forums when people are bragging about content and accomplishments. What Remander posted is accurate in that gear is based on luck, and luck is nothing that is worth bragging about, but also in saying that eventually we will be overgeared so any feat will be accessible to everyone at some point down the line.

    But the problem with that is that this applies to everything. Progress in any game is meant to make lower level content look bad. There was a point where Batcave 2: The Inner Sanctum was a tough raid that people bragged about completing. But eventually we got gear that allow us to just blow through the content. Does that make all the gear that dropped in those raids nonsense? Does it mean that because eventually they were going to release harder content, that makes accomplishments in those raids obsolete?

    Gear, I can say is nonsense in that it's based on luck. But accomplishments in those raids, difficulty levels being pushed as players, those are not. Those have a timestamp right there under the feat to tell you when you got it so that you can hold it up proud.

    I have plenty of fun in this game, and I don't think I need any more. I'm addicted enough.

    This comment sort of bothers me. It undermines the purpose of a lot of things. For example, a RoOP is a loot item that drops based on luck. People would want it because just getting it by-passes the luck factor and gets you the "all-powerful loots" for just a base stat increase.

    But a feat... That doesn't work the same way. Getting dragged into the end of a Paradox Wave: EOSF run and getting the feat means nothing, and no one really "brags" about that because they themselves could not be in a team that can complete it. Getting carried through content, similarly, gets you plenty of feats, but no one really takes credit for that unless they are arrogant b*****ds. Accomplishing a feat, like An Epic Odyssey, means something to players. Being able to get it without being carried is something people cared about for a long time.

    It's kind of like in the Mighty Ducks. Suddenly, a rag-tag group of kids is given the gear to play alongside the best of the best. Sure, they were happy and excited about it, and now they had a shot at the shiny trophy at the end. But those things in and of themselves didn't mean anything. It was THAT they got so far, THAT they accomplished so much, THAT they beat who they beat, all those things that mattered. Their equipment didn't really. That shiny trophy would mean nothing if it weren't attached to a great accomplishment. They'd won plenty of matches before that, but the difficulty of that win, that is what gave it meaning and value.
  14. Mr.Me New Player

    Luck can't be generated. Gear drops are based on a mathematical system that decides if you get a drop, and what type of drop, nearly randomly. How ever numbers have this funny way playing tricks, and having hidden rules / exploits, so its not exactly fair to call that luck. Luck implies that something happened that was completely out of the realm, or scope of control. Thing is a GM can punch a few buttons, and basically give you anything in game. Making the game, and everything in it, inside the scope of someone control. Also making luck a completely intangible goal. At best you could say that we get gear drops based a persons digitized idea of luck is... a far cry from luck.

    Ever put your play list on random, and it keeps going back to the same song over and over? While other songs almost never get played?

    A coin has 2 sides, in theory 50% chance for either to come up? Try flipping a coin until you have exactly a 50% ratio. It could take 2 flips, or you could be there for the rest of your life and it never balances out.

    Luck, randomness, balance these are intangible concepts. Recreating them will always just be someones interpenetration of what those things are, and will never be those things them selves. Being that this is a game there's really only one concept that should factor in, and that's Fun. We only play for enjoyment very few of us are making a living off this, or have any good reason to take it so serious. Anything that hinders enjoyment is bad.

    That said the current state of things as far as gear, SP and what is considered "Leveling up," is pretty shallow, and for a long time a lot of us have been waiting for other avenues of character development.

    SP was great at first as a means for making achievements more rewarding, but then years later its just become a way of granting people the benefits from leveling up, based achievements, with out actually leveling up.

    Lets really think about this for a minute, in a normal game / situation all players of equal rank would have generally close to the same amount of SP / Power points. Here tho someone can be cr100 with 70 SP, someone else could be cr85 with 130+ SP. That's about as far away from balanced as you can get. The flaw being the lack of a core mechanic for actual leveling up, and developing your powers. You spend the first 30 lvls of the game learning about how CR reflexes the rating of your gear, and not your actual level. Then after 30 that all goes out the window... There are a lot of feats that don't even require the person to be involved really, or have more to do with how well the team does vs. what the actual person dose.

    Unlike most games where you can do w/e you feel like doing to collect EXP then level up. Here you must do exact things, you don't get EXP, and if you don't complete the specific goal then you have more often than not wasted your time / effort for next to nothing at all. If you are able to complete your goal your awarded benefits, then are forever locked out of gaining any benefit for repeating the content. Its a very close minded way of doing it in retrospect, or a skeptic might say close-fisted.

    Even if a failed attempt only gave you 1 feat point, you would be getting something for your effort, and eventually be able to gain SP even if you can't accomplish the feat, or already have it. A system like this would yield a much more organic leveling experiences. Opposed to constantly making customers feel like their wasting time and effort.

    As far as core leveling and power development, there ways it could be done with out breaking or changing to much that already in the game.

    Example: Instead of leveling your character per say you give everyone an item they equip that item and that item is now a bank for EXP. Allowing players to level again, or unequipped the item and revert to the current state.

    The item would level up something like an Ancillary role, bridging the gaps between the Role types, and adding an extra layer to character development. Also fixing the issue of feeling stuck in the role system, with out breaking the RPS design.

    As the item gains level it grants the player lets call them AUX power points. Those points can then be used to expand upon powers, by unlocking tiers in the power, and opening a mod slot equal to the tier of the power allowing players to slot mods into the power. All of this would be saved to the items build so that if its removed players return to their natural / current state. The mods them selves would have increased / altered function slotted into powers. EX: Slot a Might + Power mod into a power and it dose more damage and lowers the power cost.

    This would greatly expand upon Leveling, customization, Exo bits, ect. I'd go into more detail cause I've actually wrote up most of what I think is a pretty good idea and system, but kind feel like it would just be falling on deaf ears. There seems to be a heavy favoritism towards doing more of the same thing, and recycling so that we don't break anyone's PS3. Can't wait for T10 so we can all still basically be ******** about the same stuff we are ******** about now. Looking forward to more Gear, SP, Feats, constant retooling, and lack of diversity that we have enjoyed thus far.
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  15. Mr.Me New Player

    Sorry, I got a little carried away towards the end. That was uncalled for, I'd take it back but its to late to edit, so I apologize. :oops:
  16. SirMuttonChops New Player

    If they gave you nothing, you could just take a screen shot of the completed raid or scoreboard and say that the opportunity for that is a reward, but it's not really.

    What you are doing is an accomplishment in the game and the "feat" is literally your completion of that, not a reward. It's not a trophy to hold over anyone's head. It's like beating someone else in a PvP match that is a supposed leet team and seeing the "You Win!" pop up on the screen. All feats do is recognize your completion of something difficult.

    As for the SP, once you start getting to a competitive point in the game, the SP make little difference. "Hey, I'm a DPS that can have 10 more health with one more SP... Because that makes a big difference when I'm being hit for 600 to 8000..." /sarcasm.

    SP amount means something because a lot of it is dedication to the game. Let's face it, that amount of might is so ignorable with each individual SP when each piece of gear 6 times as much might.
  17. The Equalizer Well-Known Player

    You just fixed this game. If only they would listen.
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    very interesting 2 me that no1 talks about the time between dlcs or maybe people do and i have not seen it but origin came out last may 9th then trigon august 27th it think or right around that date then dlc9 came the end of january. So basically if u go from origin release til dlc9 it takes them an average of 4 and a half months 2 release a dlc and they keep saying every 3 to 4 months. Now y do they not keep their word? dlc9 took 5 months after dlc8 and i know people will say the holiday well imo thats a poor excuse. Ive worked most of my life and the days i get off were christmas day and maybe if i was lucky christmas ever but 4 some reason they needed an extra month because of the holiday and there hours were cut down alot too. I mean i see so many people complain about they want more content and never hear the time frame mentioned. They say 3 to 4 months and we just sit here guessing oh when is this coming then all of a sudden its on test and then its live and we get less than 24hrs notice. Seems there could b a better way 2 do this imo
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  19. The Equalizer Well-Known Player

    Indeed Light. But who knows how they justify their time tables?
  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is what needs to be done.
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