DLC 7 For everyone tomorrow.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Frostbight, May 13, 2013.

  1. Frostbight New Player

    So how many new people that buy the DLC are going to moan that iconic anomolies are to hard? How many new threads are we going to see complaining about content and repair costs? Tomorrow a new sun will rise and the only the skilled will be worthy.
  2. Miggly Committed Player

    I'll say about 100 threads in the first 20 minutes of the release. 25% of them will come just before the content is released.
  3. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    cant wait...

    The quality of pug groups will be horrible compared to how the last couples days have been

    ninja looting will run rampant

    glad i already got all my gear i need from the alerts
  4. Frostbight New Player

    yeah i cant count ho many times i even passed on plans that suited another job better. just goes to show where the maturity level stops and who is really out just for themselves.
  5. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    Hmm. Is that a mixed metaphor? Perhaps...
    Tomorrow a new sun will rise and those without the sunblock of skill will get sunburned.
    Tomorrow a new sun will rise and only shine on those with genuine skill.
    Tomorrow a new sun will rise and those who do not check their posts for grammatical errors will remain in the shadows.
  6. crownclownking New Player

    lol i think more legendary ppl use the forums than premiums and if there are complains about the difficulty of the dlc 7 there gonna have to suk it up cause difficulty should increase the higher you go in tiers.
  7. crownclownking New Player

    that goes for everyone doesn't even matter their access level some ppl are just jerks. I personally only need on plans that suit my role so if vit plans drop im needing on them period. unless i have them already then i pass .
  8. Wilder Midnight New Player

    personally i hope the premiums who do buy the dlc are happy enough with the content to sub up. if this is a sign of things to come i am extremely eager for the next two dlcs.
  9. Madholm New Player

    The QQ will be high for sure, but there have already been plenty of people struggling with them; mostly test subject. I've had to give tutorials on more the one occasion for how to finish that one. Fortunately, they have gone on to improve and finish it with ease later. They actually require you to learn mechanics and timing instead of facerolling your keyboard.