Did the merge happen today?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by holyking, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. holyking Well-Known Player

    Hey,on the update note it didn't say anything about the merge for some reason,so I was wondering did it happen 2day or did they push it back to 2morrow?

    also to yall PS villain ,TURN YOUR PVP FLAG ON AND COME TO LITTLE BOHEMIA PVE PHASE,REAL TALK xD,ITS WHERE THE FUN'S AT..or you pvp world near superman statue XD(just thought you'd wanna know)
  2. Picture Active Player

    Gu56 happened today, Crossplay preparation happened Monday.
    As for crossplay, it could happen tomorrow, Friday or sometime next week.
  3. Magnificent Loyal Player

    If they stick to the schedule they posted, Crossplay should happen tomorrow or Friday (depending on what/how much broke with the Update).
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  4. Owl Devoted Player

    Note that several bugs have been reported today with the Game Update.
    Some of those may have to be fixed before the Cross Play roll out.
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  5. Traveler sid New Player