Devs, Why Am I Putting 4-5 Gold Spammers On Ignore Per Day?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Oct 29, 2017.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    In short, why am I doing your job? Why am I taking time out of my enjoyment of the game to put these on ignore instead of you taking precautions against these people? Some days I'm putting 4 or so on ignore in just a few minutes. They are annoying, they disrupt chat, and last I looked are violating your terms of service. So, please do us all a favor and ban shout and LFG chat until a player reaches the point where they start doing the initial alerts. You wouldn't tolerate this for 5 seconds on the forums so it is too much to ask that you don't tolerate it in game?
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  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    How else would people get sweet elite mats?
  3. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    It seemed like they slacked off for awhile. I remember someone was praising that they had actually done something about it. The short answer is probably that it is like playing whack-a-mole, and the developers could sit there all day blocking and banning accounts, but they would have little time for anything else. They could even ban IP addresses and things like that but I imagine that these sneaky fools would find a way around it and just keep making accounts. I mean clearly they are not too smart since "spam" has never been a really great marketing strategy. In fact it makes them look like a total scam. Because for real. Most spam is related to a scam. Spam. Scam. Scam spam or spam scam? Try saying that five times fast. Anyway....

    Again, that is just a guess of mine. That the developers would be in the same boat as we are. I too ignore them and it seems that they just keep on piling up. I posted it forever ago, but the sad truth is that the best way to eliminate these guys is to undercut them. In some cases these people may actually be farming up that gold that they sell. I mean I have seen several players in game also spam selling their gold, but they are not advertising any website. Just trade. I noticed that some ads actually drop a decent amount of cash. I often wonder (I was thinking about it earlier actually) how much I would make if I got a group of friends together and we just went and butchered Steelworks robots for a day with no mercy. The developers on the other hand can probably just spawn gold though. So they should just counter their prices in the MP. That is already what most other games do anyway. Generate a currency within the game and sell it for real money. Within a decent amount of time they could probably strangle the life out of these companies, and then raise the prices up to where the economy might stabilize.

    The odds are though that you will just have to join the many who have trained their eyeballs to ignore these folks. I mean a simple system such as removing chat privileges for anyone who shouts five hundred times a day would probably do the trick, but then again that just doesn't sound like the hardest way possible. I am sure they are worried they would end up banning that guy spamming his Gothic Rap flows in Trade chat... God, I hate him too actually.
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  4. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Because putting gold sellers on ignore is the true end game.

    you get a 10 star feat if you put 10,000 sellers on ignore.
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  5. Here2Help Devoted Player

    WTS CHEAP DCUO GOLD 10M = 7.99
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    I wonder tho, can the developers get to the people who started it and take legal action against them? If so this might
    stop it for good.
  7. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I'm with you if this is true. Not doubting you, I just haven't played or used LFG recently. Though when I did play I added a ton of them to my ignore and it's ridiculous.

    I would expect this from a real F2P game like BnS, not DCUO. Hopefully they find a way to eradicate those bots.
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  8. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I do agree thy are annoying.
    You could also turn off everything beside league chat, group chat, tells.
    Only time you need LFG is went you are making a group.
    You don't need the ignore list. Ignore list would be there for people who are annoying you in tells.
  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It has become extremely annoying. Especially because they intensively invaded shout-chats and these don't appear in recent text.
    This kinda minds me of the time when bots spammed the forums and almost broke it entirely. Unfortunately, a similar security measure will not work on the game.

    So far I had only ideas for three solutions:

    A: Make SNG and trade chat restricted to level 30 players. This would slow down their intrusion into those chats from 5-10 minutes to 8 hours.

    B: The only other thing that came to my mind was to enforce registering a payment method upon registration - but this might heavily drive players away and the verification of the acount vallidity would probably cost a considerable sum.

    C: Make writing in larger chats bound to payments. I heavily dislike this, but more viable than option B
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  10. Eve YouTuber

    The developers can't take track down the people who started it and take legal actions against them? It might put a stop to them for good :\
    And when did bots spammed the forums? Probably before I joined the game. I'm Interested to know what happened now. (Shoving my nose into stuff).
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Gold sellers plague a very long list of MMOs. If you think dcuo will be the first to cure the virus when other bigger name MMOs can't, then you have your expectations too high.
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  12. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Probably not. It's tough to do especially if they're in China or somewhere similar.
  13. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    So nothing should be done then. No one should try to stop them. That philosophy would be like we might as well close prisons down because there's always going to be crime.
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  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Most Gold sellers operate from china with false adresses. There is no-one to target any legal complaints to. It might be just a mailbox somewhere and the money gets washed elsewhere.

    The only way to stop them would be by stopping the flow of money towards them. Unfortunately, as long as players are willing to trade with the gold sellers, it will never stop.
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  15. lukelucky Devoted Player

    They created an environment for gold spammers to thrive. Look at og smoke aura being sold for a billion. Seel Dcuo cash or buy it there is a large market Dcuo is not involved in
  16. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Trouble with this is you have to show proof of some kind of damage done and that's almost impossible to do. If you polled every person who ever played this game and stopped and asked them to list the top 10 reasons why they left(hence taking revenue away), gold spammers probably wouldn't make the list so DB would have a difficult time showing it's aggrieved status. Basically, they're only breaking TOS nothing more. But I like the idea of LFG chat being limited to level 30 players but Shout should be limited to level 9 or 10 at least.

    But we do know the companies they represent. However, the devs have the ability to hire GM's to monitor chat and as soon as they see that MOOK or VVVVVV or whatever, they blip them off but they don't.
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  17. BƖack Dedicated Player

    DCUO Community is the one and only i saw in my life that has such a steel nerves.
    - Props! Lol
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    What exactly could they do? It's like swatting flies on a hot summer day. Kill one and two more pop back up.
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  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  20. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Then when you get to 10,000 you find out it's only 3 people so you don't get the feat.