Devs this is overdue Personality pack 2020 edition

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DarkAvenger, May 8, 2020.

  1. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I dont get why other mmos can sell personality packs but dcuo cant...
  2. DrakeBall Well-Known Player

    it cant honestly be that hard right.
  3. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I'm surprised we don't have a generic /em command for chat that would just fill in your name as part of a non animated emote. Example: /em dances like there's no tomorrow would say MegaMan dances like there's no tomrrow.

    How many of those games are pc and playstation? That has some limitations on how things are implemented. Personally I feel that their whole UI/Store needs a serious revamp if they want their store to be more than a p2w artifact/stabilizer seller.
  4. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    Teleportation too be able to travel a good amount of distance within a blink of the eye or a fast swim but that would kinda work on some areas but they could make it that you could dig underground if your on land
  5. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    You should check out my thread on iconic powers I have ideas like this and more
  6. Oceanly Well-Known Player

    Are you asking me on a datee?
  7. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    Dcuo would extra more variety of personality& emotes,. That be amazing tho.
    It brings life into our characters.
  8. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player

    Sorry to bring this up again but what’s taking so long it’s so easy to do when there already in game
  9. BanesRampage Well-Known Player

    I always thought this was simple to add, especially with the recent technology.
  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    It's not simple to add at all. The animations are built, but they need to be applied to every model and adjusted to fit the new body and proportions. It's a significant amount of work.
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  11. BanesRampage Well-Known Player

    Never knew thats how it works cool.
  12. EvilDeeds Active Player

    Give me something like this.
  13. DarkAvenger Well-Known Player