Devs get rid of the PvP Arena STATs cap!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by appocolyps, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I'm full 100cr PVP gear and have pre/might vi expert in everything. My might gets capped at around 73xx something whenever I pop my wired might buff. That is messed up. Shouldn't be capped at all even if I get a buff. Whenever a team member gives me a precision buff I don't get capped.

    I have 205sp too and going on 206sp.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'm hoping for next season they adjust it so when you get a buff you can briefly pop over it just for that.

    Did you only mod for might?
  3. Ruru New Player

    If you've hit a stat ceiling then just work on your actual skills-it's the same in pve as in pvp. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. The devs have put an upper limit on stats to limit how gear-based pvp is, thus, making pvp less intimidating for new players to break into, and making it more skill based. There are a ton of MMOs that have gear/stat based pvp with no counter system in place, I'm just glad dcuo isn't one of them.
  4. Kiddslayer Well-Known Player

    I wonder how people would feel if they had a stat celing in endgame pve instances? :D
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  5. Requake Dedicated Player

    A lot of statements do make sense. But then again there is some kind of competitive PvP. Not as common as some other games (CoD, LoL, Dota, etc) but there is.
    How do you think scrimming even got brought into the game? There's a lot of people who scrim on a regular basis. Ever heard of sync'ing? Trust me, some sad times in the past. Now the difference is a scrim doesn't reward us, queues do. That's what makes a huge difference in between the style of playing imo. If you ask me there's people who grind their gear for the feats and that's it. For me personally I grind my gear and scrim other leagues or even inside league. It's fun to do and a lot of people just don't get this idea. Don't get me wrong, I PvE a lot too (League members call me one of the PvE sweats even lol) and I enjoy both aspects.
    Yet, there's a big gap in between the 'good' games and the 'bad' games.

    Also, 500 precision, does not seem like a rounding issue here does it? That's what, 50 DPS? I'm pretty sure that could be the difference between a kill and no kill in a good couple of scenarios. Also this amount wouldn't be as high if buffs wouldn't have been taken before entering the arena. (I don't believe this was still intended, correct me if I'm wrong)

    Also, this isn't just for people below 30's. Took in a couple of cr111 PvE's into safehouses. Without us telling them, they would have been having a deathmatch all game.
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  6. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    With a stat cap what is the point of getting gear besides the style feat. Open world pvp, scrims, places where you get no reward from at all. Stat capping probably looked good on paper but is ridiculous when the high level gear plus more and a power buff would normally go over the cap but can't.

    Like Aqua surge said above.
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  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Sounds like you are asking for a boost to improve your stats, to give you the edge. If you truly are a excellent player, stat caps will not impact your play in the least bit. Great players are able to achieve higher level of success with lower gear and stats. Instead of worrying about that, focus on lowering your stats and still getting those wins. If you can't, than greatness is awaiting with further play. Just saying.
  8. TheBlackBond New Player

    The cap is horrible they already get stat buff thats enough the cap should be full sp and gear mods something you have to work for !
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  9. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Well I'm sorry I don't let people get away with spouting nonsense which has previously severely hurt the balance in this game.

    Oh wait I'm not sorry at all :p
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  10. UltraVillain Committed Player

    If that were a remotely adequate a form of progression then this and every other mmo wouldn't have or need armour or feats...clearly this is a nonsense. And though I applaud that skill is recognised as per any mmo lag is always a much more significant determinant. Gear is the real reward that DC uses to drive content forward, remove that and you take away the cornerstone of the core design, stat capping and clamping is a serious disincentive imo.
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  11. Pizza Face New Player

    How is that nonsense and what nonsense are you talkibg about? Are we talking about the nonsense that we've known since launch ?oh im sorry you think the game has been fixed ever since WM and AM came about ...and Gu41 lol ok guy...what we've known to love for more then 2 years is nonsense ?

    Oh thats right we're supposed to inbrace the knew change and act like it's not nonsense ...the way i see it theres to many ppl on this forum that dont like when others give thier opinion...but yet they want to be heard...

    Powers in general are out of balance due to WM and AM but i guess you already knew that right...
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  12. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    So you're saying that all combat mechanics should be removed from the game? No blocking, no block breaking, no interrupting?
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  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Most other MOM's do not have competitive PvP in the sense dcuo does so that's not exactly a valid argument. And of you watched SOE Live the developers said exactly why they weren't going to be having huge differences in stats in PvP any more. It goes against their philosophy of how PvP should function.
  14. Requake Dedicated Player

    The true DPS Universe Online welcomes you! xD
  15. Pizza Face New Player

    There's always been block break , interrupt and blocking young padawan and i responded to you inregards for you responding to a post saying whats stop ing you from speaking your opinions,..someone said thers said all the jive about nonsense....up to speed now ?
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  16. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    You literally asked "how is that nonsense" and considering the person I was referring to stated that "counters belong in legends not in arenas" your post was insinuating that you also believed counters only belonged in legends.

    Seems like you're the only one needing to be up to speed here sunshine.
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  17. Pizza Face New Player

    And to answer you no...but what im saying is everyones all on this BALANCE. Ban wagon but its the WM and AM with different powersets thats making it unbalanced.... Some have pvp friendly am...some have more exploits then others some am's just suck in General ....not to mention tbe weapons being unbalanced... Pvp was more fun pre gu41 b4 HT mods and trinkets ....those were the days its just FOTM but yeah we're aming for Balance and competitiveness....and they said this at soe so....yeah
  18. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I don't have a problem with opinions as long as they're backed up with facts. Plain and simple.

    Unless you can give me visible proof of an issue, it's hard to make your case.
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  19. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    You can be against AM and WM but if you're ok with HT Mods, just stop.
  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    No buffs were taken in these photos, with buffs id be loosing over 1000 prec with bloodlust active.