Devs: Dim Ink 2020 Transparency please

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Malivic01, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    $$$$$$ that is why it's not on their radar. It's the same reason why I stated previously we'll never see another Power in the game's future. The amount of time and resources it would take to completely revamp PvP essentially from the ground up again they would hard pressed to see a return on that investment instead of them continuing to work on future episodes etc. There's been lots of ideas thrown around over the years about ways to monetize pvp but do we really think some heavily monetized pvp return would be welcomed? map reward lockouts like before that needed to be reset? pvp artifacts that would require the same type of grind to level? You put that sort of paywall infront of returning or new PvPers it will just drive them away. If DCUO/Daybreak/Dimensional Ink was allowed <legally> to produce more Legends characters they would have already done so, there are plenty of Characters they could have released over the years that are already completed in game that would be an easy $10.00 just like they were in the past but they haven't done so.

    As much as it sucks to confront the truth is there we'll never see a meaningful PvP update.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    It depends if its released a week earlier than it would otherwise have been released anyway then there's probably no harm in it, unless we're thinking the premium players would be so upset about not getting earlier access that they no longer play or buy it at all, which is probably a safe bet as "unlikely".
  3. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    It still seems like Mepps could go into greater detail for us Chill. Because as of right now man it seriously seems that the Developers are oddly just incapable of properly monetizing PVP in a way that would be rewarding to us players and to Dimensional Ink and that just looks bad on them. Some of the highest grossing games in the world are PVP based and DCUO seems to have the foundation to reach that market if done right, yet the Dev team seems incapable of figuring it out or even trying to. I mean, has it ever been stated by Mepps that they can't "legally" make anymore Legends characters or is it just assumed that they can't? Because if the Developers can't legally make more Legends characters, then they get a complete pass on that front from me. I can't fault them for something they can't legally do because WB is mentally handicapping their own product.

    However, on the flip side are they just incapable of making new Legends/Legend Skins because they are understaffed? Can they not simply take one of the many styles they pump out on a regular basis and turn it into PVP 102 gear just to simply give PVP'rs a carrot to chase while injecting a little life into PVP while others start PVP'ing in order to try and get the gear for the style/feat? It just all seems like the head honcho or Creative Director or whoever tells the Devs what to do has no desire to have a flushed out game and is content at just coasting by with a niche market game instead of trying to branch out and reach a wider audience.

    But once again, if Dimensional Ink is prohibited by WB in some manner of improving their PVP aspect of DCUO, then the Devs get a total pass by me and, I would imagine, everyone else because then we know it is just WB limiting the game for some reason. Only reason I could imagine is because they want people to buy their other fighting games which still seems silly to me to **** another one of their money makers.

    **You've known me for quite a number of years now and know I'm passionate about this subject. I promise any hostility or aggravation in my post is not directed towards you in the slightest old friend but at the Developers who appear on the surface to be letting a chunk of their game just go to waste.**
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  4. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Haha nothing you can ever say will offend me my friend our history runs back to Squad 11 days ;)

    More to your point, it's never been stated but the developers did say they had plans to expand the Flash family as even now its what 1000 or 750 runs just as Flash? There was leaked code in the test server years ago about a Gorilla Grodd legends character and then all of a sudden *POOF* everything to do with Legends and all talk about Legends disappeared. I don't know if it was a licensing thing using their likeness as playable legends characters is different legally then having them as a NPC I dunno but there is just way too much circumstantial evidence on the topic for it to be intended. You know it was almost a monthly thing to get a brand new Legends release and all of them on release were OP and tuned down later. It had to be a decent revenue stream because plenty bought the legends character at $10 or they simply could have done more reskins and sell those etc.

    You and I both know there isn't an easy way to monetize at least arena PvP and actual pvpers don't want anything to do with monetization. Any of the Fami or RunTrain guys wouldn't want to come back to a pvp scene that required them to spend nearly as much as what we have to do on the PvE side of the game and the only way any of the development team could justify allocating that many resources to PvP would be a marketable way to generate income or the devs will just keep to the current KISS model.
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    Aside from the blatant gut punch that this is...
    It's only worsened by the fact that THEY AREN'T EVEN FOCUSED ON PvE.

    They are simply focused on TCs.
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  6. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I’ve always wondered why they don’t just make a Reverse Flash Legend and slap it up on Marketplace - it could be as easy as a color swap. Even if it sold just a couple, it would probably pay for the work invested on just that.
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  7. Engendro Nefasto Well-Known Player

    What you say makes a lot of sense, but I think they can deliver the power of growth (Like Ant-man or Goliath from the LSH) no new animations are necessary, just amp the stats while supersized, use the brawling animations and or the Doomsday ones.
    Of course some maps will affect the size of the growth, but just adjust that accordingly.
    Just my 2 cents.
  8. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    I settled with certain powers, even when they were crap for years, like earth and electric and I'm ok with that made things challenging instead of running to the FOTM as soon as it was deemed the "best" power.

    Could care less about pvp. Cheaters den of lameness jmho.

    I would love to see some brand new powers, maps, open worlds though no plan to change my power types.
    Earth, electric, quantum, and fire will stay my 4 player life. 8 years and no plans of an exit.
  9. EconoKnight XIII Legion

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  10. Magnificent Loyal Player

    The idea is for the cumulative effect of the different bonuses to entice more to subscribe. I believe the more SC to buy more Booster Bundles, Replays, etc combined with member-only missions for more Nth Metal as well as early access to DLCs (read: selling Collection items on the broker to whales who aren't subbers) along with the other bonuses already in place would indeed drive more to subscribe while still leaving lots of room for micro-transactions.
  11. Magnificent Loyal Player

    This gets into a larger issue they seem to get into: inflation. As they increase things, they aren't increasing the opportunities to achieve those things. A great example of this are the seasonals.

    Aside from one or two points, we still achieve seasonal marks at the same rate as when the game launched even though the items and feats associated them have expanded greatly. Where at one time a new player could get all of a seasonal's feats in one season of the seasonal (doing all events every day the entire time it's active) now it takes multiple years to get even half because they haven't added new events to the seasonals nor increased the amount of Marks one can accrue. With each new year of feats, this disparity grows.

    That is no different than what we've seen with Nth Metals and Artifact levels. When first introduced it took a week or three to level one up to max. As the max level has increased more than 2x, the drop rate has remained static. At this point people who have gotten their Nth Metals solely from grinding (ie: no opened TC's, no boosts from the Store, etc) still haven't maxxed their first Artifact. That kind of long-term grind isn't equal to the reward the max level grants (for example I've finished off my Solar Amplifier so now I can swap out my Empowered Channeling tactical mod in my Hands for the 2% DPS increase and 4% health increase, that's a LOT of work for such small gains).

    This isn't EverQuest where progression gets progressively slower as you level up. DCUO has always been about large jumps in power so this dichotomy of progression standards is at odds with the game itself.

    Before someone throws a hissy-fit about "you just want everything for free!11111raaaar" (because we all know someone will). I'm not wanting things auto-granted but rather progressions to be more in alignment with one another.
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  12. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    agree. Have to Mention that the droprate remained the same for Nth metals, but the value of the pieces got increased when they turned from max. lvl. 80 to 120 and again when they turned max. lvl. from 120 to 160.
    This disdnt happen from 160 to 200 tho.
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    PvP Artifacts, would that generate income?
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The only reason to limit travel is to limit spending and the only reasons to suddenly cut back on spending are money worries.

    This is not a good sign. This is a conspicuous not-good sign. Nobody ever cancels a promotional appearance because things are going too well.
  15. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    Since no new powers are planned, I’d say you’ll be waiting forever. We don’t need more powers.
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  16. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    No plans means no plans. He’s been saying that because they’re not doing anything with it. What he’s saying isn’t “we will be planning it in the future so hold on for that news.” No. It means there’s no plans. Plans change sure, but for now, don’t get your hopes up.
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  17. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    Or a more reasonable explanation is that where the convention is, there’s a major outbreak of the coronavirus, and they don’t want to risk catching it. But hey..whatever works.
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  18. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    Changes people want to see?? Refer to the thread Titled Mental. 4 months devs. Seriously.
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL don't use logic and reason, you'll ruin their conspiracy theory that the company is going bust :p
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  20. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Seven people have died from the Coronavirus like ten miles away from Seattle.