(Devs/Community) Changes Rage needs at revamp.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by LighTning Emperor, May 24, 2017.

  1. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone.
    Dont worry, this is not a rant thread or a "rage is so much weaker than what it was" thread. (Even though it is.)

    But this is however about the useless powers in rage and what I hope can be switched in the upcoming revamp for all of rage's powers.

    1. Lacerate. To me this is one of the most useless powers in the game. So much so I thought it was there because the dev team ran out of ideas so they throw it in there for laughs. Adds now have so much Dominance that you do no cc with it at all. Let's not even talk about the dps for this power either. It's attack radius is awful and the power isn't a channel power yet you are stuck in an animation of uselessness for about 5 sec and are open for attacks.

    2. Frenzy. Yep I said it. This power is also very pointless in rage. It's animations are slow and leave you stationary for attacks. That to me its very dangerous especially in higher teir content. However, like lacerate it can cause you to be stuck in a continuous lash of melee attacks that have no high risk or reward damage. I wished for a long time this power was removed from rage and something more suitable was placed in its spot instead. On test server I does look a bit better but still performs the same. I feel like it is too risky of a power and shouldn't be there.

    3. Mangle. The supercharge is USELESS! All it is, is a SC version of lacerate! I call it lacerate 2.0. Really? This is almost unacceptable. Our supercharge options are already non existent. But you really dropped the ball on this one. It's cc is minimal at best but pointless.

    4. Channel Hate. Now at first I thought this power had potential to be a great ranged DPS power (cough) but dc for some reason wasn't thinking the way I was. Another useless power now to the batch. Especially since it has no cc or anything to stun, root or knock back targets. Still even on test servers this power is completely useless. I really don't know what to say.

    5. Redirecting Rage. Should I even bother saying anything to this? This power currently on live isn't very good at all. Now on test it seems to be slightly and I mean slightly better.

    Ok. So those are my 5 powers that I feel should be taken out of rage and replaced with something else more versatile.

    1. For Mangle why not change that superchage into something like a ranged DPS SC since this is in the anger tree where most damage is done.

    The power would be called (Crimson Rain.)
    It allows the user to create a huge ball of plasma energy that raises from underneath the feet of the target stunning them in the process and rooting. Then once the ball reaches its maximum height, it explodes causing heavy burst damage then rains down on surrounding adds or players causing dot ticks of at least 12 ticks. Enemies will also be plasma burned and movement temporarily slowed down in the mist. 50% superchage

    Or Another DPS superchage could be called (Chains of the Abyss) Where red mist puddle with many sharp red chains appear underneath the targets feet covering their entire bodies (Maximum of 4 targets) entangling and rooting them in place with the kneeling animation before constricting tightly and exploding causing big burst damage then has 6 ticks of damage afterwards. If target was plasma burned it receives additional damage. 50% superchage

    2. For lacerate, we could have another ranged power since rage is scarce for them.

    The power would be called (Scarlet Javelin.)
    As the name implies, it would be a ranged power that the user constructs a Red javelin and is able to throw the Javelin at far range. The Javelin will be connected to a chain from the user causing the target to be rooted in place. The power will also have a hold Triangle precision option to release two more lances, connecting three chain links. After the links explode it causes minimal burst damage then causes 5 ticks of damage over time. plasma burned enemies would take additional damage.

    I used bombardment on test and it seems very weak and I don't like the handblaster animations either. Hopefully that is a WIP and not the final project.

    3. For Frenzy if it's replaced, the replacement power would be called (Neglect.)

    I was thinking that why not give rage a move like headlights chompers?
    Except ours will just cause plasma burn to be added while implying panic. 1 tick of burst damage when activated then 8 of dot afterwards. It would be a ranged move just like hard light chompers and hit up to 4 targets in range. This would be very helpful.

    4. For Channel Hate, the name could stay the same. It's just the power would stun targets and have a precision version of itself like Light Blast from Hard Light. Enemies with plasma burn would take more damage.

    5. Lastly is Redirecting Rage. The power name can also stay the same. It's just that the power would look and work just like hardlight's Light Barrier. It will allow the user to get off the ground while entering it and reflect precision damage instead of might damage. Or might damage is fine. As long as it would give us some cc break out like Light Barrier while reflecting decent damage back to the attacker.

    I would of added Eviscerating Chains to be fixed and made into a proper 35% finisher so we could finally use it properly. On test server it looked like it was doing a bit better. Still needs some work though.

    And maybe since all powers are becoming might based. Maybe Devs can make the weapon or buff powers like (Bloodlust) into a Might buff like fire and electricity where it adds 15% might boost. Or a might damage weapon buff like ice, mental, quantum, sorcery and atomic, where it does it's own might based damage when you attack enemies. And maybe add that plasma burned enemies would take additional damage as well.

    So what do you guys think about my idea? Do you also want to see these powers I have mentioned changed when the revamp arrives?
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  2. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Lol, no comments? Man I didn't know that even the forums​ were also dying for this game. There used to be 20 comments each day. Oh well...
  3. Cyro Committed Player

    I too hate lacerate however it seems like if they add new powers they do it by reusing old animations. We did get another range ability btw, its very similar to dreadful blast
  4. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    Ik I mentioned it in my post. I said I think it didn't do too much damage and the handblaster animations made it look lazily done. Who knows though, I hope they take a few of my ideas and use them.
  5. Cyro Committed Player

    Yea im going to be honest i did simply skim through what you said. Yea im not fond of the animation either but at the same time - we got a new range power so its hard to complain
  6. Requake Dedicated Player

    I like the shield for single target tanking. Points where you can't buff up your health and your ragecrash mechanic is on CD. (Oh and the sound effect on it is kinda cool)
    Frenzy is/was used in PvP.
    No clue about lacerate really, never really used it. I've tried it as an extra dot, but the AoE / plasma retch was better as it also applied your PI.
    For mangle; SC's aren't that great atm. The only one I find very viable (as a dps) is big gun on munitions, for obvious reasons.Troll and healer SC's still prove their worth. Stats matters is going to give SC's a big boost again I believe.
    About attack buffs: every weapon buff is being changed. It will increase the DPS of your weapon attacks, it will no longer increase your stats.

    Every power has its powers that you don't use (especially with these cookie cutter loadouts atm)
    Look at quantum, there's a whole power tree not getting used as a DPS.

    Then again, rage has been 'meh' for a long time. But it's not the only power like that (Hi Electricity, nature!)
    I'd say be patient, the stats matters update will change a lot and afaik and hope for the better.
    I understand where you're coming from, but perhaps jump on test and see what's going on for yourself.
    We can always do with more testers, actually giving feedback.