Dev Team Read Please/Request

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minie, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    No, it was 2..

    B atman, not B atman ;)

    But don't despair, you can have Ba tman
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  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I was referencing ‘Dibbs on B atman’ lol

    Anyway...back to the B at C Ave
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh lol :D
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player


    The Dark Knight

    The Scarlet Speedster

    The Incredible BRINEHULK <-- see how I fixed that so Marvel can't sue us?

    The Iron Curtain Or should I use Kurtain like in game? Naw that name is probably unavailable

    The Masked Avenger

    The Masked Marvel (* please note no affiliation with that "other" super hero comic book company" )

    The Lone Ranger (okay so I'm old)

    The cute little kid with those really big eyes and a huge smile .. maybe that is a few TOO many spaces? How about
    the Anime Kid? LOL

    and heck so far I have just used the word "the"
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  5. Minie Well-Known Player

    If this went live it would be revolutionary. So many ideas and creative characters designs can come from this.
    People wouldn't even need to be in a Justice League spin off league, could be a original <The Ultimates> league with members Ultimate-Man, Ultimate-Woman, Ultimate-Boy, Ultimate-Girl, and Ultimate-Baby, like it's The Incredibles LOL.
    That's a epic idea!, might steal it myself. :p
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    None...if they continued their adventures on the PS4. ;) But if they didn't just continue on the PS4 then those names are just in limbo until they play on a PS4 (it's only really lost if they never intend to come back on the PS4 or PS5 which is backward compatible).
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Nowhere near the amount of names that you think. :rolleyes:
  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Been there, done that...didn't work the way people thought it would, so what's the point?
  9. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    I just have one in particular I want :D
  10. Minie Well-Known Player

    If we were to get this(Special characters unrestricted) the name reclaim would become irrelevant anyway IMO. A name reclaim would be nice if done right, but I think this would be better for the long run.
  11. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Yes, I didn't word that correctly as I meant regarding the players they lost that did not have (or want) a ps4 to switch to for when they did drop ps3 support.
  12. Minie Well-Known Player

    Yea honestly it's just a few compared to the many when it comes down to banned names.
    This is off topic, but trust me, most names nowadays are either collecting dust or being exploited. Don't get me wrong, there are some who are active or simply just can't be active right now, but most (like at least 75%) of the names are either inactive or exploited ( Sold, bought, flipped for profit, held for ransome ect ect ect). And if we have even the slightest hopes or possibilities for cross-play now with XB,PC,PS with news that Sony supposedly might open up for cross-play, a name reclaim would be understandable. And if matched with my OP idea it could change the game for the better. IF DONE RIGHT
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  13. Yellow Lightning New Player

    I think it would make more sense to have a unique account name, that all of your Characters than share, but also having to name each character individually. This way you could tell who exactly the player is, without any two persons sharing the same account-name, while every of the fictinal characters is able to use each name freely, with doubles being allowed. Of course the system would warn you, if the name is already in use, but won't stop you. Than your Account-name could be displayed like a League or titel and is completely optional.

    In reality there are many heroes with the same or similar names, with some following in others footsteps, some counterparts from different Universes and some just accidantely (the Flash, Batman and many more).
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  14. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    we should be allow to use up to three names for I can make Poor Man Batman or Cheap Knockoff Batman :D
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  15. Minie Well-Known Player

    Bumpity Bump.