Dev Communications?...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AshocusTheMuse, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    So any compensation for this totally unannounced "scheduled" down-time on a reset day? I doubt it...
  2. Chilontius Level 30

    Damn I took a nap and woke up and it's STILL down!?
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  3. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    La comunidad se unió ante la pesima gestión, salió "el jefe" prometiendo cambios en la comunicación y nos comimos el caramelo.
    Pero nada a cambiado. Incompetentes, sus problemas internos son suyos; no voy al bar a escuchar los llantos de los camareros, voy a beber. Aquí vengo a jugar, no a interesarme por el funcionamiento interno de una empresa mediocre.

    Este update no se planea de la noche a la mañana, avisar con antelación es lo mínimo, y más si planeas sacarme dinero
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  4. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    And that right there is a HUGE problem. Communication has to have some type of consistent (EXISTENT) level, in order for things to go smoothly on all ends. Right now, communication is mostly late, and that's IF we get any word at all.

    Gotta say, I've already lost what tiny little bit of faith left I had in the new dev team. At this point, I'm not going give any credit or praise, until consistency is existing for an extended period of time. No free advertisement from this oldie lol.
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  5. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    Can we PLEASE try to keep this civil. Calling people stupid doesn't help anything. We ALL agree that the communication has been poor. But attacking each other is not the way to get results.

    My original point still remains, that longer updates should have a been announced, even if they "suprise" us with releases at the end of it. Just a simple like "Next update, servers will be down for up to 8 hours as we do a larger update. But fear not, good things are in store. Thank you for your patience."

    Literally Two sentences that woukd avoid a LOT of anger and upset players. It's a small thing. But it would make a massive difference
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  6. DuckyForever New Player

    [IMG]I myself appreciate dcuo devs gg ps never mind the man behind the cutian[IMG]
  7. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    I literally can’t understand people like you! You’d swear YOU were taking an onslaught of abuse; with this pretentious “camaraderie” stance you’ve adopted.
    Seeing as you’re so upset by this, and you’ve already said your piece on the matter. How’s about you allow people to express themselves in a manner that they choose (negatively construed or not) and if you disagree with it, fantastic! You’ve already made your feelings known! and can rest in the knowledge that you’ve done your white-knighting (god! To have actually used that term) and you’ll have a place amongst the devs in San Diego, when you pass away.
    Or would you like to continue to try and suppress opinions?
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  8. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Check the dev tracker on the forums. Tell me that we have had "no communication" in the last few weeks.
    The fact to the matter is. We have had improved communication from the team regarding bugs, content, new events (on time for the last 2-3 weeks), maintenances, issues with the servers, reveal of a new dlc, 2 new dlcs in fact. YET you STILL wanna sit here and tell the community the BS you are spewing about "no communication" Grow up. Yes, No communication frustrates me too, but this is a single slip up that most likely happened due to the chain of command, this is nothing on angelina and miguel and yet you still pin it of them.
    Yes, i am rushing to their defence because I, Like most other frequent forum readers have seen that they are filling in WHAT THEY CAN until a new CM is here to take over. They have their own jobs to deal with on their own projects too. They do what they can. Is it enough for the community? No, its not because yall are greedy and needy mfs who dont want to wait a few hours. If you are angry about an extended maintenance, stop planning your life around DCUO because that is unhealthy.

    Dude. I am literally telling you to calm tf down because other people have lives and other priorities. If you are so hurt over a single lapse of judgement and 1 unannounced maintenance, re-think how you spend your life. Its a few hours. You are missing NOTHING. Everyone else is in the same boat as you. So instead of sending hate to all the people who you claim accountable to all this small lapse of judgement, go touch grass
  9. DuckyForever New Player

    Wt wrong with adopting alot of ppl adopt? Poor little stance needs luv 2.[IMG]
  10. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    I only play the game twice a week now, THAT’S THE ******** POINT!! Life isn’t planned around dc. “Some” leisure time is planned for it. So when you can only get c amount of time, you wanna make the most of it. Maybe you should spend less of yours on here, professing how people are greedy and needy mfs
    I also don’t need you to try and tell me how I should react to something. If I wanna complain, I’ll ******** complain! If you don’t like it, put me on ignore! Or ***** up!
    Many people are pissed off with the lack of communication. I’m not “spewing BS to the forums” go have a look at the announcements and superman live update thing, go have a look at most of the replies, and what they’re about. Same as this thread. And MANY others! Don’t try and tell people how to react, for you wouldn’t do it in real life.
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