Desecrated Cathedral - Like a rat in a cage

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by AccelT, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. AccelT Well-Known Player

    The feat's main objective that's shown as you highlight it (and 'scrolls' sideways revealing the information) says the following: During the Desecrated Cathedral Alert, defeat Jared without sabotagin any of the Flaming Hellion cages, and once again without allowing any Flaming Hellions to be summoned. Once you go over the details on the feat (by clicking, pressing X or whatever) it states that each objective must be done on the first attempt, however, the details separates the information on two objectives:
    • Without sabotaging any Flaming Hellion summoning cages...
    • Without preventing any Flaming Hellion from being summoned...
    Now, that clearly means the same since if I don't sabotage the summoning cages I'm allowing the Flaming Hellions to be summoned and if don't prevent any Flaming Hellions to be summoned means I'm not sabotaging any summoning cage. The second part should loose the 'Without' or be change to 'While'.
  2. BriWi Well-Known Player

    This means that it is a two-part feat. You have to get each part on a different run in order to complete the feat in its entirety - basically run Desecrated Cathedral once without sabotaging any Flaming Hellion summoning cages, and then run it another time without preventing any Flaming Hellion from being summoned. That's why it has the phrase "and once again" between the two mutually exclusive objectives.
  3. AccelT Well-Known Player

    Ok, I'm not sure if you understood what I wrote. The problem IS that those two lines are basically saying the same thing... and the fact that you end up writing most of what you did shows that you didn't even noticed what's the problem with the information shown on that feat.

    AND YES, I ran that whole feat yesterday: The sabotaging part is working as it says (let the Flamming Hellions summon and don't touch the cages) BUT the 'Without preventing any Flamming Hellion from being summoned...' part is wrong as we did that part by PREVENTING Flamming Hellions from being summoned.
  4. BriWi Well-Known Player

    I did understand what you wrote, and the nature of the multi-part feat. There are a lot of feats like that which require multiple runs to get all the objectives. It’s possible you got credit for the "Without preventing any Flaming Hellions from being summoned" objective on a different run and didn't notice it. I find most people ignore the summoning cages when doing the fight, focusing on just killing Jared and the Hellion adds, so it stands to reason that since it's the easier one to get. You can verify it on another character (if you don't unlock the feat using replay badges) by going through once without touching any of the cages, and then expanding the feat; you should see the checkbox filled out for that portion of the feat.

    On the other hand, it may be possible to fulfill both objectives of the feat at the same time, if your party CR is high enough. If Jared is killed so fast that no Flaming Hellions have a chance to spawn while not touching the cages, you would complete the feat in its entirety in one run.