Demon form - incorrect movement animation

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by SuperiorMouse, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. SuperiorMouse New Player

    while in demon form the acrobatics movement mode is used. during the wall scaling there is a seperate animation used while running across the wall to the right and to the left. the right uses the proper right sided animation but the left uses the right animation also and the camera seems linked to this also so it gets very messed up quickly.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    This is actually a bug with acrobatics in general. I don't remember when it happened, but acro now when you slide across the wall only shows one animation. I keep meaning to put a bug report in arkham, but I forget. It kind of kills a little immersion for me. :| Maybe they can fix it now that you brought it up in test. :)
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  3. SuperiorMouse New Player

    thank you. i haven't played my Acro character in a while so i hadn't noticed. :) ... the worst part of it though is that the cameras appear to be auto coded to follow the player so when this happens and the wrong animation plays the camera goes completely wonky -- it's nauseating :/
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  4. Scur Developer

    We are looking at this bug and plan to have a fix out asap.
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  5. SuperiorMouse New Player

    fab. :)