Deathdealers one of the oldest PS.US VILLAIN LEAGUES on DCUO!

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Sonja Lee, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Sonja Lee New Player

    Requirements to join

    Just be cool play the game and have fun!
    Recruiting active players who want to actually group up and play together!
    looking for all roles especially (trolls, tanks and healers)
    We are a type of League that will put time into you as long as you are willing to do the work
    team up for world bosses and be a team player.
    We all started at LVL 3 ! Be respectful just be cool play the game and have fun.
    We do and run everything!
    We have LH with 4 banks and buff's.
    As far as donations' just play the game. more people play more we will get.
    Mics are optional but you need to hear call outs if necessary
    (just be able to hear us if we are doing feats or elite runs)
    Alts welcomed!
    Casual players welcomed, we don't care if you don't log on everyday (WE ARE FEAT RUNNERS)
  2. Saitanist New Player

    Hello! i am interested in joining! I use to play all the time and put it down for a few years but i picked it back up and started over and looking for a group to play with! :)