Death rays of sunshine - HH

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Three Rivers, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    can I get some clarification on this feat please?

    we had 3 terminals up, superman was active in the fight, we set a timer for 4 mins. beat superman well past the 4 min mark.

    no feat.
  2. Lightws Dedicated Player

    The feat was actually changed or is currently bugged. What we do which makes it much easier is. Kill superman before granny gets to any terminal and then kill the last boss you will automatically get the feat no matter what. As long as he dies before granny touches one. Probably just a bug that needs fixing though.
  3. Three Rivers Well-Known Player


    so did we do something wrong? bad description/explanation in feat menu? or broken?
  4. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    You probably broke more than one of the consoles before she activated them. Your video starts after she's already activated 3 so I don't know for sure.
  5. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    At the start there's 3 active terminals and 1 broken one.
    Don't break any terminals, just prevent granny from fixing the 4th by destroying her drone.

    3 terminals will have to be active throughout the time specified & until SM is dead.
  6. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    Just watched the vid, you broke the terminals at the start, you have to leave them on.
  7. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    ok cool figured that's what happened. thanks for the insight.

    but just to clarify... in the feat description it just says to have 3 consoles up, doesn't say anything about it being the initial 3 from the start.