Dear Players who que for endgame

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    If you are queing endgame content, mainly raids and alerts, may I assure you that it is a 99% death sentence most of the time. Instead of coming to the forums to rant like a baby that it's too hard, maybe instead ask for advice or what your doing wrong.

    If you want to take it a step further, make an organised group "Yourself", instead of relying on being carried like a child and expecting everything day one, and going back a step, have no idea how to tank or have no idea what a "mechanic" is.

    If you do not have the LFG chat in your text box, go to "Settings", select "chat options", click on default and unlock the LFG chat.

    On top of that, although there maybe a big population of "Casuals", MMO's aren't made around casuals. An mmo is a grind, a continuous trial and practice to get better or get your reward.

    So again, stop whining and use common sense.

    Kind regards, DBL.
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  2. gemii Dedicated Player

    one main reason raids dont get done is no mic communication. Sure you'll run into just plain bad groups but if you have even a decent group mic communication can be the difference maker.

    i wouldnt stress completing raids to much (unless you need certain feats) but overall you can still get high gear just from doing solos/duos/alerts.. and buying gear with marks.

    even then.. eventually you'll pug into a solid group and get it done if you attempt at it enough ;)
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  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Dear people who believe they can tell me how to play and what to do: pull your head in.

    Please and thanks.
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  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It gets old fast when majority thinks content too easy.
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  5. 2cap2 Active Player

    Yeah please ask for help. Often offering help backfires unfortunately
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Imo no1 is telling anyone how to play. People blind queue into raids that require certain things and if the group doesnt have the right roles or people who dont obey mechanics its usually a fail. The OP is telling people there are other options anyone can use to complete content and they should use them before saying this or that piece of content is impossible when others are blazing thru it.
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  7. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    How ironic.
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  8. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    MMO are built for the casual gamer. It has been every since WoW.
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  9. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Welcome to 2016, they actually are now. Since a couple of years already. You describe some about 10 year old approach that didn't make enough money for the gaming companies :D
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  10. Van_Gho Committed Player

    I asked for help once, they obliged, I was reading the tool tip on the loading screen as I was sent back to the hall o dooom
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  11. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    Same problem...I pugged in to BBS and explained I had not had a chance to run it before and asked if there was anything I needed to thing I knew I was staring at Black Adam giving me a disapproving look and wound up back in my base.
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  12. metalfenix Committed Player

    yeah, that's the pug life. Veterans who want to give advice and being insulted/ignored, newbies that ask for advice and get kicked/insulted/yelled out.
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  13. coco Committed Player

    I can agree to many people whine which ruins others fun. However, with that said there was a time I didn't know what I was doing I didn't ask for help from others call it pride, or learning the hard way, or whatever you want, but I still figured it out. As far as an organized group some of us do not have that luxury as we do not join a league just to be power leveled, or to have all smooth runs, lfg is not full proof either when um was new I used lfg to not finish last boss this group went through 5 healers that I know of. It was not finished because no one knew the mechanics.

    A problem I notice with some end gamers is that they automatically assume we're all looking to be carried, I was just accused of this because they expected me to do more damage when I came in while they were fighting the 1 boss they kicked me before the 2nd boss, so in other words they expected more damage than I did on adds, not all of us are looking to be carried. The husband and I like pugging, although it is usually stressful, we like the challenge! That is were true skill comes from, we do not whine about it being to hard either. The problems I notice as to why pugging is to difficult is:

    1. Pore or no communication people don't get on mics, nor do they come to instance chat, then you sometimes get that guy that ruins the whole group aka the pompous, scorecard chasing, elitist. (Had one 2 days ago telling me to get more sp when I had more than him, the difference was he was chasing whereas I was not, lol)
    2. Scorecard chasers & teamwork all times I have beat brainiac raid or came close to it I was 2nd- 3rd for damage you know why, because I do the most pickups, I always get the switches in 2nd boss room, I always block or fly up in 3rd boss room when lasers come out, & I always get the pods.
    3. Skill points there is the occasional few that you end up in group with that think sp has no value in other words in t7 content with anywhere between 40-100sp when it does matter to a certain degree. The way I see it if you have less than 100 sp you have no business being in top tier, harsh yes but their are very few players I've seen with less that have the skill to compensate the lack of sp.

    Ultimately people do what you want, if you want to use lfg, or you want to run with a league, or you want to pug then go for it! Everyone has their own preferences. All I'm getting to is if more people would communicate, use teamwork, get sp, not be ignorant, this content wouldn't be 'to hard'.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You expect people to follow your "advice" after insulting them multiple times? I'm sure that will go over well.
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  15. Glacial Breeze Well-Known Player

    Don't worry, you probably save yourself an hour or more of wipes and mindless bickering.

    The biggest problem I've noticed in PUG's is the lack of knowledge that people exhibit in their own power sets. Like a Fire DPS not using the AM, or not self healing when in tank stance, or a mental dps going crazy with weapon attacks or not giving power while in troll stance. Once someone speaks up and offers advice in a kind manner they quit the content or add you to ignore. Alot of the newer players do not know the basics of their own power set, and in most cases they think they are playing their power set and role correctly.

    And before someone goes on a rant about all of the high CR guys in the lower tier content causing this, that is not the reason. I have been in plenty of lower tier content and slow burned everything or played my role instead of DPSing, and given insight on loadouts, mechanics, tactics, websites, forums, etc. People aren't listening or don't care that is what it comes down to. One thing that would definitely help is good leagues. There are to many leagues out there that don't offer help to new players, share some of your knowledge, help out your fellow player base.
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  16. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Wow I am now inspired to take up angry birds and bingo to meet my casual style. Wait, hold on, let me think, piss off people and get them worked up because they assume I an ineffective, or move to another game and lose the money spent. Naw I will stick with A it's more fun, so here is my reply letter:

    Dear Elite, Ego Centered People, (the ones with their head up there ****)
    The casual player is here to stay, you my friends are not needed any longer. Thank you for the dedication that you have placed into making things more difficult at every turn for us players that also love comics, but we are officially sick of your BS and want you all to form a league. Please name it **** in Sling, we will be sure yo watch for you and steer clear of all the negativity that you dose out to the newer players. We will also be sure to assure them that it is only a very elite few that reserve the right to be that stuck up and judgmental and that when they reach that level we will be sure to get them an invite to the club.
    We, the casuals, do hereby agree to continue to enjoy our memberships without the negative BS that will continuously come from the elite, but we the casual also agree to never kick you out based on your elite status and will not treat you like the dirt that you treat us as. We further accept that you are legends in your own mind and are inclined to outbursts of eccentric behavior and as such will not judge you as you judge other's

    All the Casual Players on DCUO
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  17. BigAl Devoted Player

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  18. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Not the lorax lol. Although some of these people really need exlax
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  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    Wasn't aimed at you. But hey, feel free to copy and reuse for future threads. Just give credit to the artist. ;)
  20. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    No its good, I actually should stop before I net a Ban. You know I am now friends with the last guy I got banned over so all in all not a bad turn out, lol