Dear Devs.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VV, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    AM´s bonus dmg made the game too easy. Before you need people who knew what they were doing and have skill for it; Nowdays its just a matter of hitting four buttons in sequence and boom, the instance is done in a heartbeat.
  2. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    lpve - 4 man with akert missing role buffs, T5 - 8 main raid with raid level enemies, they are a bit different and many don't do LPvE anyway.

    You could say you pay to unlock content and level to access it or you pay to access content and level to unlock it. Semantics really but the point here is you want to do content, you MUST level up regardless of whether you pay or not. Freebie version of the game, Sunstone Matrix is not available until you level up, regardless of whether you pay so I consider the levelling to be the more critical.

    You can also take the content difficulty two ways as well, of course T6 is more difficult than T4 but a T4 geared player will never see T6 with their current gear while a T6 can see a T4's content still. The thing is at level the content is no more difficult, a T4 geared player in T4 gear has the same difficulty to face as a T6 geared player in T6 content. In fact some older content is more difficult than newer stuff simply because it has more involved mechanisms. In relative terms some of the more difficult content is older stuff, FoS 2 for example.

    As for nerfing older content, dear god yes it does help lesser skilled players and the classic example of this is the iconic solos. When they came out they were a reasonable challenge, needed you to understand countering and how the iconic actually worked. Now they are so easy even people who don't know what they are doing have a very good chance of completing them.

    The whole lower level toon progression speed doesn't need nerfs or any difficulty modification, no DCUO content needs this, to speed up progression all you need to do is change the gear drop rate in instances. Gear == Progression remember? The more you tone down the RNG barrier, the easier progression gets.

    Last thing, why do you assume rushing to get to the latest content is how we all enjoy ourselves in game? zoom, zoom, zoom, catch up, now spend 3-5 months replaying one small chunk of content for ever more. Anyone with sense wouldn't rush to get there and instead just enjoy the journey and take in the sights on the way, They'll get there soon enough anyway.
  3. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    WW Reflect was a mechanic for villains and yes, it would kill us and bust up our armor so much we had to drop repair bots during the alert. They did however tone down the mechanic because it was brutal.
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  4. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    I think people have forgotten how bad it was with the T4 raids.

    DEVS take your time, take a vacation enjoy the holidays do not push this out until it is 100% complete. I would rather wait til end of 2017 for it to done properly, than have it next month and it not be full complete (Like Mid-range).
  5. bmce84 Loyal Player

    not going to read all that, I've discussed stat clamp too much and the majority don't want it, inlcuding devs so people should really just forget about it.
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  6. VV Dedicated Player

    Did rage timers kick in less than 2 minutes? How long do you think a fight should be to be considered boring?