Dear Devs: About The 'Accidental Perfection' Feat...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Yes, G_d forbid people ask for evidence to back up claims made by some anonymous guy on the internet.
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  2. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    As I said in the original post, I don't want this feat just handed to me. I just want to know if there is a method to the madness.

    Since both of you are suggesting that it isn't 100% random (though it may have some random elements), let me ask you this: are the 'hints' similar to the Huntress solo hints (environmental objects that exist only in certain combinations - such as the teleporter pads)? Or are you perhaps paying more attention to the dropped artifact weapons as though each had a correlation to a specific artifact? (I had a list at one point, but couldn't find any connections).

    Or am I totally off track, and there's some third method of narrowing down my choices?

    Thanks for any help you can provide. :)
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  3. Lightws Dedicated Player

    What I did which I thought others were as well is.... I simply looked at the end of each combo. As I seen specific combos I decided then which one I should use first since I had learned most of that items combos. If im in a run and it doesn't hit so be it. But when it does my chance to get it right is heightened. That is all I did to be able to replicate this feat.

    The only true random aspect to this feat is picking the first one. After you have picked the first one the place in which it is also decides which combo it will be. After you learn all of those different combos once you have hit your first one you will be able to replicate the feat. Just learn a vast majority of any of the artifacts combos. For me I learned the Rock Shard, and it will come fairly quickly.

    Or be like the rest of the people who just want it handed to them on a silver platter and QQ because they have to do legwork for it. I have given you the method now the choice is yours.
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  4. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Ah, okay, fair enough. I did that for a long time too and gave up on it. I had another long list - this one of 'correct' combinations ... but it worked about as well as the 'always pick the same combo' method did.

    Thanks for your input! I'll get it eventually. :)
  5. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Friend of mines swears by always picking the same combo. Got it 3 times in one day with his method. I just learned the combos and got them 6 times in one day so to each there own. All I can say is it's not random. However if there's some sorta tell before that part no clue. Never seen any so I don't know. But I do know a few combos by heart I just want share for some of the people who have written on this thread.
  6. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Personally, I use Rock Shard, then Skull, then Wing, then Chalice. I've gotten the feat seven times with this combination. I have no evidence that it's random or a pattern. I just know that this combination has been very successful. This week it worked on two out of three Artifact runs. Click on my character profile in my signature if you don't believe that I have the feat. Go on USPC and ask anyone in the Iconics league, most of them have the feat now due to using this method.
  7. tukuan Devoted Player

  8. Solar Well-Known Player

    Please stop making things easier. I am sure even after this they'll need to add a voice over in a future update saying "pick the skull" to satisfy some people.
  9. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yep you did it. Now please make threads about how OP and expensive Supply Drops are and how unfair it is to farm the weekly award boxes for certain styles. -.-'

    Ah and btw why don't you create threads about Shielded Robot and Demonic on the Rare Style Vendor.

    And while you're at it, complain a bit more that there is no way a non-pvp-player could get PvP feats. Make threads about purchasing Feats with MoT, please I beg you. The game isn't banal enough already and we all know that if there is a single 25 Point feat that cannot be achieved at once, it's instantly armageddon on the forums.

    Thanks devs for trivializing more and while you're on it, please rename the feat in "Wow you finally did it, Sherlock".
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  10. Little Sister New Player

    They added clues and you're this upset ? :rolleyes:
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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    A single clue takes away the "accidental" in "Accidental Perfection". It was stated multiple times in the forums that there is a 2.x chance to achieve the feat, that better gear makes the instance faster and such makes it even more possible to get the feat by grinding to the artifacts and re-queue.
    There are more pressing issues in this game let alone game breaking ones like multiple breakouts required in PvP, exploiting with Rifles and Dual Pistols and Martial Arts, imbalanced heals and shields, flawed advanced mechanics, nearly non-existant advanced mechanics, and so on.

    And what we got was "clues" to a feat because some people disliked the fact that they cannot easily get a 25 point feat. I myself have this feat maybe on two toons but am still missing it on three others. And I don't give a darn. It would have come eventually.

    So yes, I'm upset about this change. They can do such little things when everything else is okay and not when we're still playing a flawed game to some extent.
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  12. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    There were already clues????
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  13. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    Sounds like it's time to do a side by side test to live comparison and see what is different.
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  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, if that was the case, why did Loche say it was completely random? LOL!
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  15. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Well supposedly there were clues according to mepps. Maybe loche just wanted you to figure it out naturally. I honestly don't care if there are clues now or not. Because I already have it on everything this really doesn't pertain to me. Maybe there were clues we just didn't figure it out.
  16. Lightws Dedicated Player

    Lol the fact that you still believe this feat is or always was random saddens me.
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  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Read about you in the other thread. Saw you and others dragging the niveau down while trying to bash each other claiming you're the only one who's right always with blurry comments about how it's predictable or not for like four pages.
    I'm sorry but what you're doing here is not different. You come, insult me for some reason I don't know instead of being rational and polite as any mother should have tought their kids. I know it's the internet my friend, but really? And yes, I feel insulted when somebody comes to me and says "Lol the fact saddens me". I guess you would be offended, too.

    I never read the end of the other thread and probably will not here either. I got the AP on my main the second day of the DLC so obviously I didn't gave it that much thought afterwards. Either you reveal your seemingly omnipotent knowledge in detail or you move on.

    Btw: What saddens ME is people on the internet thinking just because they have no name and face here can behave however they want.
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  18. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    It's about time.

    It's not a skill based feat, so it shouldn't be as difficult as it is to get. Whether there is or isnt a combination, it's just a stupidly annoying feat to get.
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  19. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    Way too many of the feats are.
  20. Nugemiester Active Player

    Has anyone on test server been able to see these "clues" for this feat??