Deadshot Ally Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DontCare97, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    You dev's can balance the stats however but his current idea i came up with is a must and cannot be changed now going into [IMG] the main point of this ally is based around the finisher ability itself also remember this combat ability was originally created by another guy on the forums while the rest is done by me as for other ally ideas i have more in storage especially artifact and power reworks and more but i'll only be posting this nothing else

    Ally: Deadshot
    Rarity: Epic
    Type: Ally
    Cannot Sell
    Account Bound
    Requires: Damage Role.
    Cannot be used in PvP Arenas
    Summon Deadshot to aid you in combat!

    Trick Shot
    [Combat Ability]
    Deadshot, takes aim with his rifle and fires a shot that bounce between enemies (up to 9x) within 12s. At max Affinity level +675% damage. 90 seconds ally cooldown.

    Lethal Contract
    [Passive Ability]
    Each time your health drops below 35%, your finisher damage is increased up to 30%. For 8s within that duration the affected, enemy healing and movement speed is reduced by 25%. In addition the player receives power regen, for 8s each ally rank determins the passive percentage.

    Use Ally Favor, Rare Alliances, Epic Alliances and Legendary Alliances to increase their Affinity Level.
    Note: this is a single use item that will unlock Raven as an ally for one of the characters an your account.