Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Frankzilla, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Its ashame its come to this point but finished all end game raids in a hour and a half see yall next thursday.

    • Like x 6
  2. Rassophore New Player

    see you then!
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  3. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Welcome to easy mode. See you next week.
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  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

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  5. Dephyre Committed Player

    So I take you have all your feats done at this point right?
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  6. Tule New Player

    I have 99% of them. So I have to do the last % before I talk about how easy it is? Why?
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  7. TheBirdOfSteel Committed Player

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  8. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

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  9. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    Posted the same thing, mine wws in reference to refusing to replay due to not getting any gear for my role. See you next week as well, man.
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    most of us did this every week back in the day once we were fully geared and there was no such thing as Replays. get on Thursday run the raids go play other stuff until the next week or just get on to help others. welcome to the club of many
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  11. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I'll catch you later man.
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club


    See you guys next week, im just farming a lil bit for exos before I am done for the week as well.
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  13. Frankzilla Committed Player

    I've got 163 sp right and have had more then enough to do my job since I had 130 sp. So while you chase every feat point in the entire game in the illusion that your actually doing something other than wasting precious time. I will be doing something worth while. Plus if I do that now what will I have to do after the next easy mode content comes out by way of community feedback.
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  14. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I for one like that I don't have to dedicate my life to a game to be able to keep up.
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  15. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Lol @ feats
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  16. Trexlight Devoted Player

    If you have the highest CR in the game right now and have run the content multiple times then yes, the game is "easy mode". You know why right? The secret ninja art of Repetition! Doing something all the time over and over again will be come second nature and wont be difficult anymore.

    The game isnt "easy mode", you have just gotten accustomed to how the content is played.
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  17. daplatobah New Player

    Im level 4.
  18. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Tell that to the ppl in full vestment gear that still can't complete eo feat. If your are any good its easy mode. Once you learn what can kill you and when it happens it can practically be completed in t1 gear. Working on a t1 gear a&b easy mode vid for you doubters date tba just stayed tuned. Lol
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  19. winter13 New Player

    Show us your video with the entire raid group in t1 gear and finish in under 30 minutes...maybe then you'll get a slow clap from me
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  20. Dephyre Committed Player

    I asked an honest question, not a smart a$$ one