dcuo strongest pve dpsing powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by jackdarkhero, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    Went into a NEXUS raid last night with my friends. Here was the scoreboard to the best of my memory.

    Quantum DPS- Spec'd full might
    Fire DPS(me)- Spec'd completely balanced
    Hard Light DPS- Spec'd precision based

    All 87 CR with lvl 83 rifles

    The Quantum DPS was ahead of me(fire guy) by 20k(rounded to nearest thousand) and I was ahead of the HL by 10k(rough estimate). They both expended 80k more power than me. There Power out was painfully close to each other.

    Kinda just goes to show that the powers are very equal in regards to nexus. All completely different spec's and powers. competed with each other the entire raid.

    It was a successful NEXSUS run. Probably one of the easiest I've been in TBH, and that's while accidentally carrying a bad undergeared healer who lied about his CR(he left after we questioned him. We didn't kick him because We were doing fine even with his almost non-existent heals). Just so you know, it wasn't that he was undergeared. He was just under geared AND bad.
  2. jackdarkhero Active Player

    That's good but your scores where so close which is not really calling out dpsing the player but u really did a good job there. And btw the cr doesn't even matter. It is the way the player plays and his load outs sp and stats.
    last time we had a healer cr54 playing foss2 with us and he soloed it perfectly and he also tried to solo the last bass but it wasn't easy after the end of the raid one guy came to him and told him want to go to do t4 with us he said no srry I can't my cr is only one 54. And we were all shocked like hell
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  3. sonryo21 New Player

    I agree with you about cr
  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    CR matters unless there is a massive skill difference. But I can tell you right now, that we were the most even set of DPS's I have ever seen in terms of skill at our powerset.(though I will offer that it's harder to be a good fire and HL DPS than it is to be a quantum). And I can also tell you that me and the HL DPS had only a 3-5 SP difference.

    and your story only proved that the rest of the DPS in that FOS2 raid sucked big time...
  5. jackdarkhero Active Player

    No the dps were amazing it is just the healer who was over amazing and btw increasing you're hero 1-5 cr won't make him a god compared to the old one I outdpsed a lot of if 70-75 cr players while my cr was only 62 then it is not the cr only which makes the player unique it is not also his sp alone it is his right load outs and his way of playing and his way to take out the full advantage of his power just like the healer in the story
  6. TrueOlympus New Player

    The difference between 91 cr and 96 cr is much more than you think.
  7. FeelsGood New Player

    FIRE and ICE too.

    But i guess we gotta wait for sorcery and nature update so they can get their time to shine.
  8. jackdarkhero Active Player

    In that case maybe ya but not through out the whole game. Just imagine you playing with your pure cr and no mods on any you r really bad at using your power or lets say semi pro. Do u think u could have reached the second place in the t5 raid. I think your answer will be no not only a regular no but a big noooo. At that time the tank will even dps more than you. The professional dcuo player is made of good gear, best loadouts and a good stats (which improves with the gear, mods and sp. And if I am wrong I am glad to hear the answer from a pro t5 player like u (we t both fire btw)
  9. Ogat New Player

    T5 vs t4 is an ennormous stat jump, especialy the 87 purple items.
  10. jackdarkhero Active Player

    I don't really think that the fire is easy to master I am a fire player and it is soo hard to master and you can ask any pro fire player
  11. jackdarkhero Active Player

    I actually mentioned the gear up there but it is not everything
  12. Zpred Dedicated Player

    I believe this thread has run its course and I think it's time for a new one.. Hmm what to call it? I know I have a few ideas.

    1. Whats the best dps power.

    2, sorcery and nature need a revamp.

    3. Sorcery is a bad dps a completely broken.

    4. Green auras.

    Take your pick I think we are due a new thread on one of these :D
  13. jackdarkhero Active Player

    Well guys that's off the topic lets just leave this behind
  14. sonryo21 New Player

    You need a lot of SP to make fire work but once you have the SP necessary Fire is a godsend.
  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    What's the point of even arguing powers if we aren't talking about them at close to there full statistical potential?

    And The point you are trying to make isn't all that clear.
  16. TrueOlympus New Player

    Fire DPS'ing stopped being easy mode when they nerfed fireburst.
  17. jackdarkhero Active Player

    Zpred is just right
  18. TrueOlympus New Player

    ur talking about the tanking aspect correct?
  19. jackdarkhero Active Player

    Nvm lets not go off topic
  20. sonryo21 New Player
